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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-24 21:58



热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 16:35

Girls are watching the football game on the side of the playground.
Mike is behind Wangbing.David passes the ball to Mike.
David is playing a game with the other boys on the playground.
But,David jumps and stops the ball with his head.
Gaoshan gets the ball again and passes it to Mike.
Liutao shot the goal with his head.But the ball is out.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 16:36

1.The girls are beside the football field to watch the game.
2.Mike behind Wang Bing. David, passes the ball to Mike.
3.David and the other boys were playing football field.
4.But David jumped up, stopped the ball with his head.
5.Alpine again got the ball and threw the ball to Mike.
6.Liu Tao header shoots, but the ball went out of bounds.
望采纳 very very very very thank you!!!!!!!很感谢!!!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 16:36

The girls are beside the football field to watch the game.
Mike is behind Wang Bing. David is passing the ball to Mike
David and the other boys are playing football on the football field.
Alpine gets the bal againl and throws the ball to Mike.
But David jumps up, stopp the ball with his head.
Liu Tao header shoots, but the ball went out of bounds.

看在我修改了一遍 其他人都是直接搜英汉互译的份上 给我分吧

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 16:37

The girls are on the side of the football arena, watching the game.
Michael is behind Bing Wang. David passes the ball to Mike.
David and other boys are playing games in the football arena.
But David jumped up, and stopped the ball with his head.
Shan Gao got the ball again, and passed it to Mike.
Tao Liu shooted with his head, but the ball was out.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 16:37

Girls are football field next to the game.
Mike behind Wang Bing. David, passing to Mike.
David and other boys are soccer pitches in the game.
But David jumps up, stopped the ball with his head.
Gao shan ball again and passed the ball to Mike.
Liu Tao head accuracy, but was out.
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