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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 19:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 07:55

Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.It is very clear that we will be living in 2031 in 20 years. And it is very common for most of people to think about the life in an optimistic way.But on the contrary,I insist that we will use up all the natural resources,like oil,coal and gas burried underground.We will have no energy,at least,no such cheap energy like we are using today in 20 years. And the traffic,communication,banking and our daily life will be totally a mess! Sometimes, people would not like to predict the black side of the future until we have to face with it.That will be terrible and dangerous.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 07:56

Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.It is very clear that we will be living in 2031 in 20 years. And it is very common for most of people to think about the life in an optimistic way.But on the contrary,I insist that we will use up all the natural resources,like oil,coal and gas burried underground.We will have no energy,at least,no such cheap energy like we are using today in 20 years. And the traffic,communication,banking and our daily life will be totally a mess! Sometimes, people would not like to predict the black side of the future until we have to face with it.That will be terrible and dangerous.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 08:53

Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.It is very clear that we will be living in 2031 in 20 years. And it is very common for most of people to think about the life in an optimistic way.But on the contrary,I insist that we will use up all the natural resources,like oil,coal and gas burried underground.We will have no energy,at least,no such cheap energy like we are using today in 20 years. And the traffic,communication,banking and our daily life will be totally a mess! Sometimes, people would not like to predict the black side of the future until we have to face with it.That will be terrible and dangerous.

he future life in 20 years Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.It is very clear ...


我的未来将是幸福的,我已经从大学毕业了,我将有一个稳定的工作,我将有我的家人,我的丈夫,和一个可爱的孩子,什么是我未来的工作? 我有很多理想,我想当一名歌手,站在舞台上唱的人;我想当一名护士,治疗疾病,为人们带来健康;我想当一名飞行员,在蔚蓝的天空中飞机驱动;我想当一名园丁,用一点点汗水灌溉的花朵,让...


I have a happy and warm family. There are: hardworking mother, able father, smart sister, and lovely me.我有一个幸福、温馨的家庭。有:勤劳的妈妈、能干的爸爸、聪明的姐姐,还有可爱的我。My father is a worker. He gets up early and works late every day. Sometimes I came back ...

题目:家乡的变化 70字左右的英语作文 过去1.生活贫困,房屋破旧2污染严重...

With full of good mood, I went back to my hometown, found that his hometown has changed, becoming more and more beautiful! In the past, leading to the cul-de-sac home rough, dusty everywhere, is on the side of the field. Now, the path becomes broad and flat, both sides...

英语作文:my habbies70字

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.我有许多爱好,譬如:读书、滑冰、看电视,读书是我最喜欢的。I like reading for three reasons.First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time ...


我住在一个叫“翠竹园”的小区,位于和平大道,居住环境优雅,交通便利,绿化很好,我很喜欢这个小区。 小区进门能看到一个喷泉池,池子中央有一个美人鱼雕塑,水池周围有花坛,夏天百花齐放,异常好看。小区后面是一个广场,广场上有很多健身器材和供人们休息的椅子。广场周围种了很多紫杉,每当晚饭后,广场上总是有许多孩子聚...


因为它深深地影响我们的生活。所以,对于这个家庭安全问题,人们有了永恒的争议 第一,在家庭中,有一种普遍的现象叫做家庭暴力,这让很多无辜的小孩陷入危险,所以,我们必须注意到。第二,再我们周围的家庭犯罪也很重要,一些父母发泄怒火到小孩身上,所以这种行为必须被阻止。打字好累望采纳 ...


This is my way of life.In the morning,i exercise with my father . We sometimes running, playing basketbal playing badmintonl and tennis.I usually eat fruit and vegetables, drinking milk in the morning.Hardly eat junk food.The free time to read books and do my home work.I...

我的爱好英语作文 要有翻译,70字左右 120

英语作文 我的爱好范文一:I have many hobbies,such as playing computer games,reading comics,going shopping.I also like playing pingpong very much.I have a friend.His name is JooZone.He is crazy about playing pingpong,too.If we have free time,we often play pingpong together.2010 ...


1 The summer vacation is coming. I will do my homework first so I am going to do my homework every morning. In the afternoon, I will play basketball and table tennis with my friends. In the evening I will read English and listen to English program. Sometimes I will go and...

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下列对保险公司及其工作人员阻碍投保人履行如实告知义务的处罚不正确的... 如何加快短跑的步频 进口一批货物关税增值税已付,货物的进口成本未付,会计分录怎么做 昆山劳动保障网 社保 医保 失业保险 个人需要交多少钱 杭州电子科技大学宿舍条件怎样? 黄色木耳边衬衫有哪些时尚感爆棚的搭配思路值得分享? 想在网上购买一件衬衫,但是我不知道衬衫跟西装还有裤子怎么搭配... 三十年后,发现调令丢失,原单位出个证明,行不 第五人格雨水线下活动在哪里-第五人格2024二十四节气宁波场介绍_百度知 ... 吃注水猪肉对身体有哪些影响 吃注水猪肉对身体有什么影响 “如果在家庭与事业间有冲突,你首先选什么” 的英语作文。。。急需?拜托啦 手机应用程序出错怎么办、就是手机上出现、抱歉,手机程序出错、 事业方面付出的多点就会占有对家庭方面的付出。英语 oppor15清楚全部数据后微信用不了,软件商店总显示系统时间错误,怎么办? 如何平衡家庭和工作英语作文 事业和家庭哪个更重要 英文 关于人与人相处,你有过什么难忘的经历或感悟?把你自己藏在内心的话写出来 400字作文 求一篇作文以事业为题的英语作文? 猫耳怎么看直播间pk 北京盛世汇海投资管理有限公司南通分公司怎么样? 汇海(北京)投资管理有限公司怎么样? 汇海控股(深圳)有限公司怎么样? 作文:生活中的物理现象并解释 广州华康汇海投资有限公司怎么样? 为了家庭牺牲自己的事业英语 安徽汇海资产管理有限公司怎么样? 事业与家庭英语作文100字 安卓系统 应用程序错误 怎么解决啊? 哈尔滨汇海财富投资管理有限公司怎么样? 关于家庭和事业哪个更重要的英语作文 过夜的鸡蛋饺子能吃吗 为什么下载的软件转为手机系统软件后,启动软件就提示:连接失败,错误码999.有是么办法能让软件正常 北京盛世汇海投资管理有限公司珠海分公司怎么样? 急求初中六年级作文《一件难忘的事》今天就用的!!! 英语作文描述10年后的自己的事业,工作,家庭 一件难忘的事600-800字 猫耳fm人工申诉改号码 北京投资平台盛世汇海疑跑路 涉及金额四亿元 求 怎样保持工作生活平衡 英语作文 北京盛世汇海投资管理有限公司锦州分公司怎么样? 为什么你不可能同时拥有成功的事业和幸福的家庭的英文文章 国投汇海(北京)投资基金有限公司怎么样? 猫耳怎么看连麦的人 急需一篇英语作文《我的家庭》,简单些,在50词左右就行了 中鑫汇海投资基金管理(北京)有限公司怎么样? 内蒙古助创汇海股权投资中心(有限合伙)怎么样? “荣格”有哪些产品? 大家知不知道荣格产品?怎么样? 荣格洗衣液怎么样? 洗衣机容格内是指哪里