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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 16:17



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 09:52

1、Today is February 9th, and this is the last day of 2012. My families were very excited, we cleaned our house and decorated it. It looks beatiful and clean. We watched TV in the evening, the programms are interesting.
2、Today is February 10th, it's the Spring Festival. We ate mplings in the morning. All children felt happy because they can get new year luky money. My father and I set off fire crackers outside our house and it's fun.
3、Today is February 15th. My mum,my dad and I went to my grandmother's home. I got up very erly and wore a new coat. My dad drove a car. It's a happy day.

4、Today is February 16th and it's a sunny day,my sister and brother came to my home. My mum bought 3 kites for us. We flew kites in the afternoon. We were tired but we felt happy.

5、Today is February 17th, my mum, my dad and I went shopping in the city centre. We bought some new clothes and food. In the evening, we went to the cinema and wacthed a film Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons. It's a humorous film.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 09:52

Today is February 9th.
It's Chinese Spring Festival.
The whole family got together to celebrate it.
I made mplings with my mother for our dinner.
It was very exciting to see the beautiful fireworks and get the new year money!
I could finally buy the book by myself.
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