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left-handed path是什么意思啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 17:08



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 01:39

Features of LHP philosophies frequently include:

1、Emphasis on freethought, not dogma or strict systems.
2、Highly indivialistic
3、A distinct rejection of absolutes and moralism
4、Personal, not universal.
The Righteous Right, and the Satanic Left
The left has become nearly universally shunned. The right has been associated with all things good and pure whilst the left has been shunned as unholy, evil and relegated to inferiority (几乎所有人都避免左派,当“右”和好的事物、真挚的事物相关时,“左”却因为不神圣、*、次等而被人所不齿)。这是和古希腊和古罗马的历史相关的。

"In Judaism and Christianity the right side of the body represents the first stage of Creation, daytime, consciousness, Adam, Man and active power. The left represents the second stage of Creation, Earth, matter, right, Eve, Women and receptivity. In alchemy, the right and left hands reflect conscious and subconscious actions, the active and passive. Right symbolizes solar and left lunar." 这一段就和宗教有关了

下一方面是关于词源的The word 'left' in many languages is associated with evil, trouble or the devil. In Latin 'left' comes from 'sinister'. The same pattern repeats in many cultures and societies



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 01:39

The Left-Hand Path
The historian Dave Evans studied self-professed followers of the Left-Hand Path in the early 21st century, making several observations about their practices:

They often reject societal convention and the status quo, which some suggest is in a search for spiritual freedom. As a part of this, LHP followers embrace magical techniques that would traditionally be viewed as taboo, for instance using homosexual sex magic or embracing Satanic imagery.[4] As Mogg Morgan wrote, the "breaking of taboos makes magick more potent and can lead to reintegration and liberation, [for example] the eating of meat in a vegetarian community can have the same liberating effect as anal intercourse in a sexually inhibited straight society."[5]
They often question religious or moral dogma, instead adhering to forms of personal anarchism.[6]
They often embrace sexuality and incorporate it into magical ritual.[7]
Under these definitions, various esoteric groups, often with widely differing beliefs, could be considered to be followers of the LHP. These include various forms of Satanism, such as LaVeyan Satanism (which is organised through both the Church of Satan and the rival First Satanic Church) as well as Theistic Satanism. Other Western LHP philosophies include Luciferianism, Setianism, the Typhonian Order, Chaos Magic, Feri, and magicians who deal in demonology, as well as groups like the Dragon Rouge and the Order of Nine Angles. Several eastern philosophies could also be viewed as adhering to the LHP, including forms of Hinism such as Aghoris and Vamachara and forms of Buddhism like Dugpas.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 01:40

left-handed 虚情假意的,言不由衷的。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 01:40

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