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学生课程及成绩管理系统 英文翻译 学生课程及成绩管理系统 英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-09 14:52



热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 16:21

The system is a student curriculum and performance management system, it is Ecational Management System of a subsystem. Main users are the students, teachers and administrators. System to the students and Investigation Course. Facilitate the management of teaching and student achievement in the time of admission. More importantly, the system facilitates the management of the academic schools. The system uses a three-tier structure of the MVC model, in the process of developing the use of Struts and Hibernate to handle pages logic and object persistence work. The development of the system and did not simply use JSP+Servlet, but with the Struts and Hibernate. This is to make the structure more clearly while simplifying the development work. Curriculum and student performance management systems have greatly reced the human inconvenience for the whole data management more scientific and rational. Of the system are unique background is in the area of database programs and achievements of students in the unified management. The system interface is used Dreamware software, Mysql database background probably divided into the following table : Table administrator, student information tables, the class information table, Information Table curriculum, teachers information table, curriculum and student performance information table.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 17:39

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