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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-01 00:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:50

1)Earthquake field: hurt the little girl said I'm okay. I don't cry.
7.0 -magnitude earthquake in ya 'an, sichuan, chengdu, such as feeling strong earthquake. Said a netizen through weibo, see a lot of people were injured in the hospital. Among them, an injured girl performance strong, although the body with blood, but she smiled said, "I'm okay, I don't cry, I am strong". Little girl's calm and strong touched a lot of net friend, net friend said, "your smile is the whole the sea, the beauty of the earth."
2)the man holding the father waiting for surgery in LU SHAN.
West China metropolis daily press qinling apportioned the epicenter reported: forth county hospital, to send a large number of casualties. Hospital is severely damaged, a PingBa build makeshift tent hospital. Before surgery, a son with his father waiting for surgery. No seat, son for him for an hour. The son said, not tired!
3)The most beautiful bride Chen Ying.
Earthquake is YaAN TV presenter Chen Ying wedding that day, but now she is wearing a wedding dress devoted to the disaster. Chen Ying, you are the most beautiful bride today (smile eyes)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:56


热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:54

1) the scene of the earthquake: injured little girl that I'm okay I will not cry
Ya'an, Sichuan 7.0 earthquake occurred, a strong sense of Chengdu earthquake. A netizen through the microblogging see a lot of people were injured in the hospital. Among them, the strong performance of a wounded little girl, despite the body of blood, but she said with a smile "I'm fine, I will not cry, I am strong". Calm and strong little girl touched a lot of friends, friends said, "Your smile is the sea, the United States this earth."
2) The the Lushan man holding his father waiting for surgery]
The WCC reporter I Qinling 13:32 epicenter reported: Lushan County Hospital, a large number of wounded sent over. Hospitals severely damaged a the Pingba build a temporary tent hospital. In the operating room, a son of her father waiting for surgery. No seat, his son hold a full one hour. The son said, not tired!
3) the most beautiful bride Chen Ying
The day of the earthquake Ya'an TV host Chen Ying wedding, but now she is wearing a wedding dress to Report. Chen Ying, you are the most beautiful bride today

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:57

1)Earthquake field: hurt the little girl said I'm okay. I don't cry.
7.0 -magnitude earthquake in ya 'an, sichuan, chengdu, such as feeling strong earthquake. Said a netizen through weibo, see a lot of people were injured in the hospital. Among them, an injured girl performance strong, although the body with blood, but she smiled said, "I'm okay, I don't cry, I am strong". Little girl's calm and strong touched a lot of net friend, net friend said, "your smile is the whole the sea, the beauty of the earth."
2)the man holding the father waiting for surgery in LU SHAN.
West China metropolis daily press qinling apportioned the epicenter reported: forth county hospital, to send a large number of casualties. Hospital is severely damaged, a PingBa build makeshift tent hospital. Before surgery, a son with his father waiting for surgery. No seat, son for him for an hour. The son said, not tired!
3)The most beautiful bride Chen Ying.
Earthquake is YaAN TV presenter Chen Ying wedding that day, but now she is wearing a wedding dress devoted to the disaster. Chen Ying, you are the most beautiful bride today (smile eyes)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:49

1) the scene of the earthquake: injured little girl that I'm okay I will not cry
Ya'an, Sichuan 7.0 earthquake occurred, a strong sense of Chengdu earthquake. A netizen through the microblogging see a lot of people were injured in the hospital. Among them, the strong performance of a wounded little girl, despite the body of blood, but she said with a smile "I'm fine, I will not cry, I am strong". Calm and strong little girl touched a lot of friends, friends said, "Your smile is the sea, the United States this earth."
2) The the Lushan man holding his father waiting for surgery]
The WCC reporter I Qinling 13:32 epicenter reported: Lushan County Hospital, a large number of wounded sent over. Hospitals severely damaged a the Pingba build a temporary tent hospital. In the operating room, a son of her father waiting for surgery. No seat, his son hold a full one hour. The son said, not tired!
3) the most beautiful bride Chen Ying
The day of the earthquake Ya'an TV host Chen Ying wedding, but now she is wearing a wedding dress to Report. Chen Ying, you are the most beautiful bride today

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 03:50

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