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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 16:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:26

My father died when I was a few months old.
After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where __35__ had
grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their
mother. This was a time when being a single __36___ was still considered
unusual. When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family,
and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day log at the office, Mom
cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over.
The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的) of the
time. It looked __37___ like my family, but luckily that wasn’t the way I
heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really __38__.
Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me,
who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who
gave me lessons on how to drive. Believing that anything __39__ was probably
good for, she __40__ to get a loan (贷款) so that I could
go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience. As
a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of
her own, but she never got married. This __41__ that she was free to spend all
her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always
__42__ me to do my best. She never __43__ to make me believe that I could do
anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.

more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still don’t think of herself.
__44__ she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in
family photos, and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much __45___. I
honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __46___ couldn’t. so every June for
the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a
Father’s Day card.

35. A. I B. she C. he
D. we

36. A. man B. family C. parent D. child

37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad
D. funny

39. A. interesting B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusual

40. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. prepared

41. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showed

42. A. allowed B. afforded C. offered D. forced

43. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. tailed

44. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. Before 45. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D. sense 46. A. Teachers B. mother C. father D. friends



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:26


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:26

My father died when I was a few months old.
After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where __35__ had
grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their
mother. This was a time when being a single __36___ was still considered
unusual. When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family,
and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day log at the office, Mom
cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over.
The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的) of the
time. It looked __37___ like my family, but luckily that wasn’t the way I
heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really __38__.
Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me,
who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who
gave me lessons on how to drive. Believing that anything __39__ was probably
good for, she __40__ to get a loan (贷款) so that I could
go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience. As
a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of
her own, but she never got married. This __41__ that she was free to spend all
her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always
__42__ me to do my best. She never __43__ to make me believe that I could do
anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.

more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still don’t think of herself.
__44__ she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in
family photos, and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much __45___. I
honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __46___ couldn’t. so every June for
the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a
Father’s Day card.

35. A. I B. she C. he
D. we

36. A. man B. family C. parent D. child

37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad
D. funny

39. A. interesting B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusual

40. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. prepared

41. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showed

42. A. allowed B. afforded C. offered D. forced

43. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. tailed

44. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. Before 45. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D. sense 46. A. Teachers B. mother C. father D. friends



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:26

My father died when I was a few months old.
After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where __35__ had
grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their
mother. This was a time when being a single __36___ was still considered
unusual. When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family,
and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day log at the office, Mom
cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over.
The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的) of the
time. It looked __37___ like my family, but luckily that wasn’t the way I
heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really __38__.
Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me,
who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who
gave me lessons on how to drive. Believing that anything __39__ was probably
good for, she __40__ to get a loan (贷款) so that I could
go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience. As
a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of
her own, but she never got married. This __41__ that she was free to spend all
her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always
__42__ me to do my best. She never __43__ to make me believe that I could do
anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.

more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still don’t think of herself.
__44__ she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in
family photos, and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much __45___. I
honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __46___ couldn’t. so every June for
the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a
Father’s Day card.

35. A. I B. she C. he
D. we

36. A. man B. family C. parent D. child

37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad
D. funny

39. A. interesting B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusual

40. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. prepared

41. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showed

42. A. allowed B. afforded C. offered D. forced

43. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. tailed

44. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. Before 45. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D. sense 46. A. Teachers B. mother C. father D. friends



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 21:27

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