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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-13 03:48



热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 09:51

I am wrong I to know that, does not need you to remind once more, initially all was my mistake, lets you turn around to have does not return, now I all day regretted, hoped you can turn over to, future you have not made “the class”, how should we be good! Is unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!!
I knew you are good for us, but I also ......Really is should not, not only too should not, I bring the influence for the class in, even has created the extremely bad negative function to the old city, was unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!
You are a good teacher, very professional very is also laborious, but I make this and so on bored am, really is unfair to you, is unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!
Honestly speaking Mr./Mrs. Li, you are I at present up to has seen most professional most have sense of responsibility teacher, sometimes very much admires you, really, you also let me understand a life philosophy - difficult always returned, the face might give up, chin up and chest out, the victory and could wait for you with the success to greet!
Comes back Mr./Mrs. Li!!
You do not make every effort to succeed student: ~~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 09:55

I am wrong I to know that, does not need you to remind once more, initially all was my mistake, lets you turn around to have does not return, now I all day regretted, hoped you can turn over to, future you have not made “the class”, how should we be good! Is unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!!
I knew you are good for us, but I also ......Really is should not, not only too should not, I bring the influence for the class in, even has created the extremely bad negative function to the old city, was unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!
You are a good teacher, very professional very is also laborious, but I make this and so on bored am, really is unfair to you, is unfair to Mr./Mrs. Li!!
Honestly speaking Mr./Mrs. Li, you are I at present up to has seen most professional most have sense of responsibility teacher, sometimes very much admires you, really, you also let me understand a life philosophy - difficult always returned, the face might give up, chin up and chest out, the victory and could wait for you with the success to greet!
Comes back Mr./Mrs. Li!!
You do not make every effort to succeed student: ~~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 09:49

豆瓣酱放多了怎么补救 鑫创sssbd量产工具 为了了解某校1500名学生的体质状况,随机调查了这个学校内一定数量学生... 564÷85的竖式如何列? 上海房屋过户 要准备什么资料 个人卖房要提供哪些资料 房屋交易资料需要哪些 房子买卖要哪些资料 房产交易需要什么资料 ...让重锤自由下落,打出的一条纸带如图所示,图中 ...之间发生了曲折的一段事情,总体来说是我对不起她? 怎样跟老师说对不起 (李老师对不起!求你原谅我!我错了!我以后在也不会这样!请你相信我... (李老师对不起!求你原谅我!我错了!我以后在也不会这样... 2022甘肃临夏中考成绩怎么查询? 异度神剑2更新1.3.0内容介绍介绍_异度神剑2更新1.3.0内容介绍是什么_百 ... 法治工作队伍包括哪些队伍 没有离开业务的政治,更没有离开政治的业务 谁第一次提出 叉车运输车叉车运输车功能用途 叉车有哪些 急,急,急,大学马上要实习了,实习6个月,我想问一下,去家家乐超市... 有知道家乐超市那边电信营业厅的联系方式吗 华为儿童智能手表多少钱 华为儿童智能手表报价介绍_华为儿童智能手表多 ... 苹果设备在使用语音功能时,同时观看视频时声音会变 《一起优诺》三分钟时长可如何是好? 苹果6s与车载蓝牙连接后,只能打电话,不能语音导航和播放音乐,是什_百 ... 支付宝退款是不是诈骗电话 支付宝退款电话是什么 加盟支付宝被骗,要求退款,他们不退我要怎么办 kkk2cc是什么意思? 怎样给牛肉改刀能保持肉不散? 家里蟑螂突然变多是不是就是要有厄运了呀? 古剑奇谭 龙绡宫 璎珞圈 哪里有卖的? 网上搜索N年找不到电子版,二手书品相太差,价格也不靠谱,那位大侠好心... 开书吧怎么盈利 志愿深圳是什么意思啊? 6r01-100是什么材料 后视镜电动折叠可以加装吗多少钱 PSP充电器输出5V 3A会怎么样?安全么,可靠吗,DIY移动电源上的 AMD 3A平台玩psp模拟器行吗? 华为手机如何卸载快应用框架? 什么样的感情才是最好的呢? 朋友间感情最好的状态是怎样的? 亲爱的 我们之间的感情是这个世界上最美好最珍贵的东西。它晶莹透明... ...要放寒暑假才有时间看她,请问我该如何保持我们之间的良好感情... 厦门廉租房申请有营业执照能通过吗 招行信用卡被停用一卡通会不会冻结 ...想出租出去。58同城现在很变态,不支持农村小产权发布租房信息。该怎... 公司解除劳动合同档案放什么地方 解除劳动合同在档案里是否有不良影响