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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-11 08:22



热心网友 时间:2024-07-31 00:22

This is my friend……(这是我的朋友某某某)
He is thirteen years old.(他十三岁)
And he is a positive person.(他性格活泼开朗)
He likes reading books and playing football.(他喜欢看书和踢足球)
I like playing with him.(我喜欢和他一起玩耍)

My best Friend Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate.She has big eyes.Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.Li Yan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects.She has won the school scholarship twice.I always ta...


I have a friend, we are called WangJiaHui junior high school students, but not in books together. His junior high school studies very well, but also help students, especially when I have a problem, he would help me to solve some problem, also taught me that question of lines...


My Friend(我的朋友)Zhang Dong is my best friend. He entered our class last semester. He is a boy. Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our spare time. After school, we often play football together on the playground. He runs so fast ...


Friendship What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you...


ZhouNa is black and white. (舟娜是黑白花色的,) It is little and lovely. (它小得可爱。) It likes to have a bath. (它喜欢洗澡。)I play with it everyday. (我每天和它玩儿。)It makes me happily. (它使我快乐。) I love it very much(我非常爱它。).祝你进步!

英语作文:关于和朋友去公园游玩的计划 是计划,初一水平就行,生词不要...

Dear Mike I am glad that you will come to Suzhou on October 1. Since Suzhou is a famous garden city, I will introduce this beautiful city to you. In the morning, we will visit Tiger Hill. You can see many historic site, especially Tiger Hill Tower. In addition, there is ...

写一封信告诉你的朋友关于你的暑假期间所要做的用英语作文 字数不...

I heard about your lovely wedding from a friend of mine, who lives in Berlin in the same locality in which you live.The summer holiday is just two days away, I would love to share my vacation plan with you. I will fly to London to visit Andrew for two months. We have ...

求初一上学期英语作文 60词左右 不要太多

Myself(自我介绍)Hello,everyone!(大家好。)My name is Li Yida.(我叫李依妲)I am a girl.(我是一个女孩。)I come from Sichuan.(我来自四川。)My birthday is April 11.(我的生日在4月11日。) My family has three people。(我家有三个人。)They are my father, mother and I.(他们...

This is my friend……(写一篇英语作文,介绍朋友的。不要太多也不要太...

This is my friend……(这是我的朋友某某某)He is thirteen years old.(他十三岁)And he is a positive person.(他性格活泼开朗)He likes reading books and playing football.(他喜欢看书和踢足球)I like playing with him.(我喜欢和他一起玩耍)



女人什么情况才会同意男人看她手机? 一个女人愿意让一个男人知道她所有的隐私秘密代表什么 烹饪香煎脆皮豆腐有哪些妙招? 老妈答应给我换手机,不过索爱LT18i粉色和iPhone4白色哪个更值得入手呢... 香煎脆皮豆腐如何制作简单又好吃? 香煎脆皮豆腐如何做脆香又美味? 7月20号准备去趟香港,想买一款手机。 2008年国庆期间打算买部手机,诺基亚的,谁能介绍些 香煎脆皮豆腐有什么制作方法? 五一要给妹妹买手机,想买个2600左右的,朋友们能否推荐下,最好是今年... 为什么领导或上司给我开会或讲大道理的时候,我就忍不住想笑_百度... 英语回答问题 不要太少 不要太多 每次公司一开会我就想笑 怎么办呢 ...前几天感冒发烧了,头疼干呕,医生说是脑膜炎,输了甘露醇,热毒宁,炎琥 ... 有时在人多的时候控制不住自己(特别是在开会的时候),老是要笑,弄得非 ... realme手机激活了吗? 写自己放假是所做的一件事(用英语写) 不要太多,也不要太少! 注意: 开会时面对面看见他们一个个突然变得很严肃老忍不住想笑怎么办呀 英语的阅读材料,不要太多,也不要太少 校园逃生图手抄报 如何选购提花四件套 天津现在有几个大学城 微整形是什么意思? 《红星照耀中国》行军路线图手抄报好看 眼看四面耳听八方对联 ...第十一设计研究院科技工程股份有限公司 怎么样? 整天打喷嚏,分不清南北。指什么动物 名图,索八,迈腾,君威,新明锐,纠结中,大家帮忙选一下 眼看四() 索八与明图哪个贵 ...经常笑点低得见同事笑我就笑个不停,想忍忍不住,好痛苦啊。 real me1怎么看是否激活了 英语作文,词数别太少也别太多,八年级(初三) ...后公司法人突然发出注销公告怎么办?他就没责任了吗!? 我一到人多的地方就有点想笑是怎么回事?不管是吃饭还是开会或者是红白... ...一定要是上学期的,不要太多也不要太少,带翻译,30篇,急急急急急急... 牌匾有哪些 统一牌匾是什么意思? 在保定那里的算卦的不错? 高考前借钱给别人好吗 车上显示行驶时间是什么意思 与凤行优酷有版权吗 爱卡之家app怎么绑定加油卡?能绑定多张油卡吗? 高考时如果作弊会有什么后果 建设工程施工管理有哪些环节? 建设工程项目管理目标主要包括哪些环节内容? 梦见打死人是什么意思梦中打死人是什么意思 跪求汕头长平路附近对外开放篮球场一处.. 以下不符合轮状病毒肠炎特点的是: 护士年终总结开头范文