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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-13 00:32



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 00:38

Responsible for the company with the university of California, cooperation new project-electrophoresis carbon nanotubes capacitor technology test equipment and related raw material purchasing


1 the initial, I received a partner's equipment and other related materials purchasing list, first through communication and search, know equipment material and respectively the material properties, and accordingly is one of each equipment and material for suitable suppliers, and then collect feedback to the United States. And correct, and then one by one to telephone enquiries supplier or agents related equipment and material performance index, the delivery time, initial offer the information.

2. Equipment procurement is the main part of the button batteries processing equipment, including tube type furnace, slicing machine, sealing capacity, these devices in the home has a lot of manufacturers, including booking agent, information is mixed and disorderly, procing area is differ. I have telephone enquiries from around the country and suppliers, roughly understanding in the supply of domestic, will offer and supply information collection, after comparing the choice to the proction of the whole set of a button batteries processing equipment company-hefei kejing, and then I go to the company field survey of equipment sample shipment, and with each other sales manager for the price negotiation, first in the instry to the proction and the attitude of the personnel of the equipment comments, and then by the company for a set number of equipment if large volume and the proct competition with its suppliers have quoted by lower prices, and inform the test to continue after the smooth purchasing large line equipment, asking them to offer total 267000 yuan is rounded 200000 yuan RMB as clinch a deal valence and the transaction price reached.

3. As the supplier equipment supply more nervous, and the us technology represents can only stay in Shanghai a month, in order to solve this problem, I ask the supplier can do adjust supply, special order, give priority to in a week we arrived in our laboratory and delivery finish debugging.

4. At the same time, the other main equipment-the choose and buy of glove box also work synchronously, has asked a few professional proction glove box suppliers such as Germany Braun's case, the United States, but they give offer very high, far beyond the company budget, and glove box of water used oxygen analyzer, precise and the general enterprise can make, and then learn about some of the scientific research institutions in Shanghai hong kong-invested enterprises use mikrouna proction of the glove box, its quality and operational feedback good, price is far lower than Braun, so to mikrouna manufacturing field investigation, and according to the requirements of some of the details supply with standard specifications and compared to make some special change, aftertime meet problems can also be ready to provide maintenance services.

Raw materials:

Domestic can provide performance standards can be the material looking first domestic suppliers. In one list for suppliers, such as shenzhen nano port company (proction multi-walled carbon nanotubes), chaoyang FengYuan carbon materials company (proction activated carbon), the enterprise try (supply potassium hydroxide, nitric acid), the scale for the procurement requirements to provide a certain number of sample shipment.

Domestic cannot proce performance standards in the instry of persons gathered materials through the battery to know the most reliable BBS foreign suppliers, and looking for its domestic agency, also first ask them to provide a certain number of sample goods, such as the proction of cellulose diaphragm NKK paper, the supply of TanSuanBingXi ester, Alfa acetonitrile, etc.

Suppliers of information organizing:

I will equipment and raw materials suppliers (including in future alternative) information and invoice documents to collect, to look for future reference.

Responsible for recing the coating with continuous proction process (7200 L) raw material purchasing and configuration

1. Because it involves ethanol inflammable chemical raw materials to the store for transportation safety, so according to date in advance for proction and sol order raw material purchase schele of each sol proction after the completion of the instant transported to nearby professional chemical warehouse, and raw materials are in the chemical reagent order, make the proction workshop of the raw materials store directly put the number is always rational enough and safety level.

2. Do appropriate to the government in the provisions of the precursor chemicals purchasing proof procere, to the reagent company smooth buy hydrochloric acid, acetyl acetone, titanium acid four n-butyl acetate, and other chemical raw materials.

3. Other

Once in the company's international trade work for a period of time, familiar with the customs declaration-forwarder contact-documentary-tax refund process, responsible for reply our clients in the mail.

The procts of the company have been involved in Shanghai world trade and international conference and exhibition center proct exhibition work.

Detailed studied the accounting standards for enterprises, familiar with the incoming raw materials, proction cost, manufacturing cost of transaction, the delivery of cargo from storage inventory goods and VAT amount of dection, enterprise ty-free tax breaks terms, etc.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 00:38

Responsible for the company with the university of California, cooperation new project-electrophoresis carbon nanotubes capacitor technology test equipment and related raw material purchasing
1 the initial, I received a partner's equipment and other related materials purchasing list, first through communication and search, know equipment material and respectively the material properties, and accordingly is one of each equipment and material for suitable suppliers, and then collect feedback to the United States. And correct, and then one by one to telephone enquiries supplier or agents related equipment and material performance index, the delivery time, initial offer the information.
2. Equipment procurement is the main part of the button batteries processing equipment, including tube type furnace, slicing machine, sealing capacity, these devices in the home has a lot of manufacturers, including booking agent, information is mixed and disorderly, procing area is differ. I have telephone enquiries from around the country and suppliers, roughly understanding in the supply of domestic, will offer and supply information collection, after comparing the choice to the proction of the whole set of a button batteries processing equipment company-hefei kejing, and then I go to the company field survey of equipment sample shipment, and with each other sales manager for the price negotiation, first in the instry to the proction and the attitude of the personnel of the equipment comments, and then by the company for a set number of equipment if large volume and the proct competition with its suppliers have quoted by lower prices, and inform the test to continue after the smooth purchasing large line equipment, asking them to offer total 267000 yuan is rounded 200000 yuan RMB as clinch a deal valence and the transaction price reached.
3. As the supplier equipment supply more nervous, and the us technology represents can only stay in Shanghai a month, in order to solve this problem, I ask the supplier can do adjust supply, special order, give priority to in a week we arrived in our laboratory and delivery finish debugging.
4. At the same time, the other main equipment-the choose and buy of glove box also work synchronously, has asked a few professional proction glove box suppliers such as Germany Braun's case, the United States, but they give offer very high, far beyond the company budget, and glove box of water used oxygen analyzer, precise and the general enterprise can make, and then learn about some of the scientific research institutions in Shanghai hong kong-invested enterprises use mikrouna proction of the glove box, its quality and operational feedback good, price is far lower than Braun, so to mikrouna manufacturing field investigation, and according to the requirements of some of the details supply with standard specifications and compared to make some special change, aftertime meet problems can also be ready to provide maintenance services.
Raw materials:
Domestic can provide performance standards can be the material looking first domestic suppliers. In one list for suppliers, such as shenzhen nano port company (proction multi-walled carbon nanotubes), chaoyang FengYuan carbon materials company (proction activated carbon), the enterprise try (supply potassium hydroxide, nitric acid), the scale for the procurement requirements to provide a certain number of sample shipment.
Domestic cannot proce performance standards in the instry of persons gathered materials through the battery to know the most reliable BBS foreign suppliers, and looking for its domestic agency, also first ask them to provide a certain number of sample goods, such as the proction of cellulose diaphragm NKK paper, the supply of TanSuanBingXi ester, Alfa acetonitrile, etc.
Suppliers of information organizing:
I will equipment and raw materials suppliers (including in future alternative) information and invoice documents to collect, to look for future reference.
Responsible for recing the coating with continuous proction process (7200 L) raw material purchasing and configuration
1. Because it involves ethanol inflammable chemical raw materials to the store for transportation safety, so according to date in advance for proction and sol order raw material purchase schele of each sol proction after the completion of the instant transported to nearby professional chemical warehouse, and raw materials are in the chemical reagent order, make the proction workshop of the raw materials store directly put the number is always rational enough and safety level.
2. Do appropriate to the government in the provisions of the precursor chemicals purchasing proof procere, to the reagent company smooth buy hydrochloric acid, acetyl acetone, titanium acid four n-butyl acetate, and other chemical raw materials.
3. Other
Once in the company's international trade work for a period of time, familiar with the customs declaration-forwarder contact-documentary-tax refund process, responsible for reply our clients in the mail.
The procts of the company have been involved in Shanghai world trade and international conference and exhibition center proct exhibition work.
Detailed studied the accounting standards for enterprises, familiar with the incoming raw materials, proction cost, manufacturing cost of transaction, the delivery of cargo from storage inventory goods and VAT amount of dection, enterprise ty-free tax breaks terms, etc.

Few points, made a 3 article, points out. I'm sorry
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热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 00:39

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