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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 04:01



热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 10:26

Last night, a bus deiver was going to be off ty .When he looked back into the bus,he saw a white woman sitting in the last row.But when he continued driving
and looked back by rearview mirror,the woman just disappeared.He was too frightened to drive, so he hurriedly steped on the parking brake and looked back.He found she still there,so he sitted at sit again,continuing drive and looking back by rearview mirror carefully.He found the women disappeared again and he was immediately halt,so he steped on the parking brake hurriedly and looked back.He found the women appeared again.
The drive nearly breakdowned in a cole sweat and turned to drive.Then he turned to rearview mirror in the third time and saw the woman again inback-draft disappeared.He scared to death and stoped the car again.But not turned away,the woman walked slowly in front of him, with a messy hair, droping in blood to his feet and said with very low voice:"Do I have a old grudge with you?As soon as I squat to tie my shoes,you stop."

热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 10:27

Late at night, after a public transportation last class, prepares to hand over the vehicle, the driver turns head looked, but also some white clothing's woman, sits in the last row. The driver continues to drive, has a look at the back-draft mirror, that female has not had, ~~ hurries in great surprise the slam on the brakes, as soon as turns head looked, also sits there, the driver afraid has turned the head to continue to drive, careful had a look at the back-draft mirror, the woman also not to have, great startled hurried the slam on the brakes, as soon as turned head looked, that woman appeared.
The driver faces the collapse, has turned the head to continue to drive. The third driver has a look at the back-draft mirror, that woman disappears, the driver already collapsed, is also slam on the brakes, but in has not turned the head, by now that woman slow arrived at his front, the hair has been disorderly, the whole face is the blood, the drop on his foot, the driver body had been already stiff……

2.My English is not quite good, but I wish it wouldn't cause so much inconvenience..


how many fingers are there on a hand?一只手上有多少根手指?how many eyes have you got?你有多少只眼睛?how many noses are on your face?你脸上有多少个鼻子?how many wheels does a car have?一辆车有多少个轮子?how many shoes can you put on?你能穿进多少只鞋子?how many feet...


翻译是You friendly American classmates, hello, welcome to our China Beijing tourism, let me introduce myself, I'm xinhua middle school's li hua, accompanied by the tourism is you, now I do for your activities the arrangement, you are travelling in Beijing time is three days, w...


我将等你 直到你来看我:I will wait for you until you come to see me.


1.When he opened the door,the scene he saw supprised him.The doors of the cabinet is opened,and clothes and books are laying around the floor.2.Michael is so bored with his boss's weekly long report and naps every time.3.Finland is famous for its various lakes.I have ...


This Xinxiang City, Henan Province The zone, for example, through the gathering area status and problems of business analysis, and then to understand the development trend of industrial agglomeration areas and prospects. Xinxiang City, Henan Province is an important commodity grain base ...


I'm Li Hua, I sincerely invite you to participate in camping activities for Yulong. We are a total of six individuals, we plan to meet at 8:30 am on Saturday at the train station plaza. Please bring your camping supplies, sleeping bags, tents, clothes, water, food, etc....


这是翻译的结果: Primary cause: Because takes a test specially many, specially difficult, we usually do not study hard, lazy, in order to try to please the parents, teacher cheats.Individual view: We cheat not rightly, violates the school discipline school regulation, we should be...

谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文 谢谢!!

The teacher hello! I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in the interview, I hope today I have a good performance. my name is xx, age 21, from xx, graduated from xx school. My father is a policeman, mother is a famous doctor life, I was born in a every ...


I'm not good at English.Please forgive my fault.If you are free tomorrow,we meet tomorrow instead. If you don't understand,please call me when you have time. Thanks!

你能帮我学英语吗翻译成英文 我能说流利的英语翻译成英语 你能给我帮个忙吗翻译成英语 你能用英语和我交谈吗翻译成英文 你能用英语说它吗翻译成英语 他能说英语翻译成英语 能把汉语翻译成英语 我能帮助她吗翻译成英文 你能给我一些建议吗翻译成英语
为什么我不像别人那样有一个温暖幸福的原生家庭,是我天生就不配拥有吗... 行政拘留的探望时间具体是多久 亚急性心内膜炎血培养标本采血量是多少 属羊的女人几月出生命最好 你配幸福吗?|心理深剖(原创) 属羊的女孩子哪月出生好? 我是坏女生、坏女生……配得到幸福和快乐么? 我配拥有幸福麽?我注定是上帝遗弃的那个孩子,是不是我已经拥有幸福的资... 要和女朋友去南京旅游,顺便品尝一下特色小吃,求美食达人推荐几个老字号... ...听说南京的小吃特别好吃,请介绍几个地道的,比较好吃的,南京本地人... 客厅风水对财运的影响 怎么样才能让别人看到我朋友圈的文章? 各位帮忙看下这是什么药?谢谢 悦甘通是什么 香港荣华集团集团简介 ...今天我刚刚登陆游戏的时候我点“点击进入游戏”的条目,怎么没有反应... v4游戏怎么进不去 gta5 繁体中文版5号升级档破解v4 游戏运行不了 出现这个 怎么办_百度... 美图v4下载游戏打不开怎么回事 华为手机默认通知铃声怎么关闭 人生感触很深的短语 电流进大地会到哪里去? 小班活动区域有哪些 小班有哪些区域活动 幼儿小班区域有哪些 小班有哪些区域 离婚后男方不肯支付抚养费能起诉他吗 惠而浦滚筒洗衣机H锁住什么意思? 全自动滚筒洗衣机显示H怎么办呢? 山地车中控中轴怎样撤卸视频 我打耳洞已经差不多快半年了,现在我的耳朵後面生了一个东西很痛_百度知... 中考平行志愿密码是什么? 采金矿是什么意思? 克罗地亚首都是哪 火车k4235次怎么不卖票了呢 “纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。”是什么意思_出处及原文翻译_学 ... 肚子饿睡不着来一点宵夜,发展成为严重的胃病,睡前吃什么最伤身?_百度... 肚子饿的睡不着,有跟我一样症状的吗 今天明明25号,手机却显示24号是什么意思? 我今天24生日,男朋友说我24了我说我才20,他说我要是20就好了,他捡到个... 斑鸠为什么会集体生活在一起? 崩坏星穹铁道翡翠怎么样 崩坏星穹铁道翡翠技能爆料 越来越多的跨国企业在考虑哪些因素 请看这几句话的修辞手法 怎样才能在百度网盘中分享文件? ...排定日程时忽略资源日历”分别是什么意思,两者如何使用 多重网格规模是什么意思? 什么因素决定公司是否进行跨国经营? 跨国公司具备的因素有( )。 怎样分享百度网盘PC端文件给好友