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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 01:16



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 21:15

1. Installation Plans
- Source: Each root requires a ground level distance of 300 mm, with a wall-mounted globe valve.
- Power: Compatible with AC220V/50 Hz, single-phase three-wire system, with a 3mm BV wire from ground level 400 mm, and a 10A waterproof socket.
- From ground level, approximately 130 mm, the product should be equipped with a power control switch.
- Drainage: The oral side should have a drain centered at 200 mm radius (not in the center), with a hose connection.
2. Installation Process
This product's components use standard parts. During installation, refer to the technical parameters and follow the steps below:
- Determine the installation position: Consult the water and electricity parameter table and the hydropower installation drawing to locate water pipes, power outlets, and piping. Ensure there is sufficient space for connections. Place the bath crock in the designated area, adjust the bottom nuts to level the cylinder, and prepare for the next steps. Remove the Bath crock first for easy installation, and install it back after completion.
- Connect the sewer: The drain at the bottom of the Bath crock is a 1-way plastic pipe that can be bent at arbitrary angles. Connect it to the sewer and secure the end with adhesive tape or glass sealant. Ensure it is not discounted to prevent drainage issues.
- Connect the feed line: The feed line uses a heat-resistant, high-pressure pipe network. Click joints connect the cold and hot water marked joints; avoid twisting. For convenience, install valves within the cold and hot water lines.
- Connect power: This product is compatible with 220V AC power. Refer to the installation drawing for the positions of the leakage switch and socket, ensuring waterproofing. Insert the plug into the socket, press the reset button on the leakage protection plug, and check if the indicator light is on. Ensure the Bath crock is properly grounded.
- Check and clean: After completing the above steps, check if the pipe joints are sealed. Ensure the cylinder is clear of debris before filling. Open the drainage device and clean the Bath crock with water (ensure proper order to avoid pump damage).
- Water filling test: Confirm there is no debris after draining, then fill with water and perform an electrical test (refer to instructions).
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