发布时间:2024-07-04 03:38
时间:2024-07-04 08:47
你好,最近我也在学习稀疏这一块。我看了michael elad的《sparse and rendant representation》这本书,第14页提到了。
Let us illustrate this complexity by the following simple example: Assume that
A is of size 500 × 2000 (n = 500, m = 2000), and suppose that we know that the
sparsest solution to (P0) has |S| = 20 non-zeros. We desire to find the proper set of
|S| columns. Thus, we exhaustively sweep through all C m |S| ≈ 3.9E+ 47 (组合问题,从m中选|S|,页面上显示不出来,给你提示下) such options,
and per each test the small linear system b = AS xS for equality. Assume that each
indivial test of such a system requires 1 E−9 seconds. A simple calculation reveals
that it will take more than 1.2E + 31 years(!!!) to conclude these series of tests.
The complexity of exhaustive search is exponential in m, and indeed, it has been
proven that (P0) is, in general, NP-Hard.
简单说,就是,求解最优解是个穷举搜索的过程,如果列数很大,比如2000,然后稀疏解是20,从2000中取20,有3.9E+ 47 种情况,e的47次方了,太大了。当然最后一句,他说已经证明了P0问题是np hard。