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sport club作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 03:28



热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 07:44

  sport club
  Those days,according to the "sunny sports activities" carrying out around our city.Playing sports is becoming more and more popular in our school. First of all,the headmaster decided to give us more time for gym classes,so we can take gym classes four times a week.Secondly,the school will set up a sports club.We can take part in it as a membor. Every day after school,we can play all kinds of sports,such as basketball ,soccer ball,ping-pong ball and so on.The most exciting thing is that we can play all the sports freely.You can imagine when we enjoy ourselves playing the sports,that must be a lot of fun. Maybe you will ask why the school does such things for students.There are the reasons;On the one hand,playing sports can change the students'health,after all,after a big exam,playing sports is a good way to relax.On the other hand,playing sports can change the students' lives,they can have colorful lives and they will not be boring when they are in school.
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