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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 02:52



热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 08:16

The term "CIRCUS" in the context of music refers to the band named after the word. Pronounced as "sə:kəs" in British English and ['sɝkəs] in American English, it primarily denotes a group or ensemble, often associated with a theatrical and entertaining performance, particularly in the context of a musical act.

In its primary meaning, a CIRCUS band could be a group that performs live music, captivating audiences with their energetic shows, much like a traditional circus with acrobats and performers. When mentioned as a noun, it can also signify a venue for such performances, where acts like circuses come together to entertain the public.

Additionally, the term can be associated with historical significance, referring to the Roman amphitheater or circus maximus, a circular arena where gladiatorial contests and other public spectacles took place. In a more modern usage, it could describe a circular public space or intersection, where a lively atmosphere, perhaps resembling a circus, may be found.

However, it's worth noting that in some informal or colloquial situations, "CIRCUS" might be used metaphorically to describe a chaotic or lively event, such as a noisy gathering or meeting, carrying a sense of excitement and unpredictability, similar to the energy found at a circus ring.


CIRCUS’是台湾花莲县4位大学生所组成的团体,成员有廖人帅(LEO)、黄尹宣(EASON)、林柏升(KID)、林家纬(小马)等4人组成的团体。他们是一群拥有热血怀有梦想的少年们,敢把很多疯狂的想法通通付诸行动,刚开始是由林柏升(KID)一次的挑战喝啤酒中输掉而在桥上裸奔,后来LEO将自己拍的影片上传,意外受到岛内媒体的争相报道,知名度提升。之后幸运地被channel V 的总监andy哥发现,邀请他们拍摄 channel v “实在带种”活动示范带。其实本来还有一位SEVEN(CIRCUS医生)后来似乎是因为没跟CHANNEL V签约所以就没有他了。

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