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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-07 09:44



热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 17:15

Good night,everyone! I feel honored to attend this interview. i hope i will have good performance and my interview tonight will succeed. now,i'd like to introce myself. my name is XXX, I am 13 years old. i am a lovely girl but sometimes I'm a little naughty. i am a student in class IA2. I love singing and dancing. I started to dance since 4 years old.I joined group dancing competition of the city many times and were on the top there of the each times. And my solo dance "insects fly" won the first prize on the Children's day performance in my school. My dream is have talent of singing and dancing like Jolin. That's all,thanks for listenning. 基本是照你的翻译的,不知道对你是不是有点太长了

热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 17:16

Good Evening!
It is my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can performance well today and succeed this position.
Now, let me introce myself. My name is xxx, and I'm 13 years old.
I am a nice girl, but sometimes I am a bit of naughty as well.
My class is IA2. I like singing and dancing. I began to learn dance since I was 4. I have participated on several group dance competition in the city, and I was on the top three positions each time.
On the Children's Day in 2013, I won the first place for my solo dance <Worm Flies> at school.
My dream is to be proficient in singing and dancing, same as Cai Yiling.

Thank you very much.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 17:16

Good evening,everyone. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to attend this interview. I hope I will have a good performance today and succeed in the interview. Now, allow me to introce myself, please. My name is XXX, I'm13 years old, I am a lovely girl, but sometimes it can be naughty girl. I'm in IA2 class. I enjoy singing and dancing. I began to learn dancing since i was 4 years old,and has ever participated in the group dancing competition of the city for many times.Each time we got top 3.What's more, in the children's day 0f my school in 2013,I won the first prize with my solo dance "worms fly" . My dream is that I could be a master of singing and dancing like Jolin .

热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 17:17

Good evening! I hope I can have a good performance today. I hope the interview will be successful. Now, please allow me to introce myself. My name is XXX this year 13 years old, I am a lovely girl, but sometimes also is a naughty girl. I am a group your classmates. I like singing and dancing. I began to learn the dance from 4 years old, had been in the city to participate in the group dance competition, and took all the top three. 13 years in the children's day in my school solo "worm fly" won the first prize. My dream is to: master like jolin tsai, singing and dancing. Thank you very much


热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 17:17

Good evening,everyone. Very honored to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I hope I can succeed in the interview. Now, allow me to introce myself, please. My name is XXX, I'm13 years old, I am a lovely girl, but sometimes it is a naughty girl. I'm IA2 class. I enjoy singing and dancing. I began to learn dancing from the age of 4, has been in the city to participate in the group dancing competition, with the top three. 13 years of children's day in my school solo "worms fly" won the first prize. My dream is:singing like Jolin and dancing master everything.
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