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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-07 09:37



热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 19:30

Members of a casting process. Foundry process and tooling design and tracking improvement; 2. Magma intrinsic quality of casting simulation; 3. Scene technology and quality of the finished castings
Deputy director of technical quality
1. East for a long time automatic molding line process improvement; 2. From the point of casting process, the implementation of cost control.
Minister of Quality Control
1. TS16949 quality system is responsible for the establishment, operation and improvement;
2. Rection or abolition of the spot analysis and improvement of implementation;
3. Organization finished proct testing, inspection, trend analysis and improvement of the quality of work. Main results of
1.2005 years, presided over by the car OEM parts proction (responsible for technology and Pro / E three-dimensional mold design, Magma simulation, on-site process documentation, tracking the progress of casting instruction and coordination of inspection, etc.);
2.2005 2006, casting technology and equipment to improve the design process, the use of Pro / E and the combination of Magma simulation to rece the cost of trial process, while making the design process changed from three to two dimensions, recing the design variation; and use this process development support two sets of car dies; 3.2006, the design of the East line of a long line and the Hunter design manual brakes technology and equipment, standardization of the design process;
4.2007, the improved branch-watt single brake disc technology, improve casting yield and labor efficiency;
5.2009 years, presided over by the TS16949 quality system certification, and is responsible for continuous improvement system. With motor vehicles and hydraulic casting proct development experience; have strong communication and coordination, can work in proper planning and effective management, team spirit and good learning ability. Able to complete the casting proct development (including Pro / E three-dimensional design, two-dimensional process and die design, process documentation and project tracking and coordination of development, etc.).

热心网友 时间:2024-07-09 19:31

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