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懂英语的进~帮忙改篇英语作文 自己实在不想改- -

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 11:16



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 03:46

an experience of success
i succeeded in acing an exam. At first ,I did very badly in English exam and I was worried about it. so i decided to study much harder to improve my English. in order to do this, i read English books every evening and do more exercise. and i succeeded at last. i think everyone will be successful if he or she works hard. i felt very happy after i succeeded.

你写得不错 ,语法错误不多。如果不考虑地道与否,基本不用怎么改动

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 03:41

英语作文 改变自己的一个毛病(不利影响 怎么克服)

One thing i would like to change about myself Things in the world are changing.People are changing and every creature is changing.Changing is a neutral word.We can’t judge it is good or bad in general,because every coin has two sides.But sometimes we need to change,because ...


Everything is decided on the way you put it.For example,you may have lost a critical and important chance,making you cry from the heart.However,if you think it the other way,like you may have a better chance next time,a smile would appear on you right away.So,having a po...


I was very hungry. I must buy some good after school. So, when the school bell rang, I rushed to the restaurant as fast as I can. When I reached the restaurant, I ordered food and I discovered that I lost my wallet, I feel embarrassed and walk away ...


抱歉,因为你里面写的,可能是单词用错了,我没读懂。我按照我理解的,给你改了一下。中文英文都有,你可以自己对一下是不是跟你的意思一样。如果不对可以再找我。呵呵~~~如下:My own Hello! I'm glad to meet you here! My name is Chen Kaiyan. My English name is Melody. My birthday...


I can not help but turn on the TV to watch a little while. I can do homework, the grandfather in the side, did not dare go to open TV. I remember one occasion, grandfather accompanied my homework at home, this time, my favorite look of the TV drama "亮剑" soon began ...


My ideal room is very big and nice. There are many things in it.A bed, a table, a desk and other things are in the room.The desk is near the window.A chair is next to the desk.A baseball is under the chair.The bed and the table are near the wall.A clock is on ...


She was good at English but poor in chenistry and I was just right contrary to her.We often helped with each other.she often had a interesting idea.she was simple and unaffected.I felt happy when I stayed by her side.We both liked cole flower very much,we agreed that we ...

高中英语作文 80词左右 题目是 改变别人先改变自己 要自己写的 不要...

we should change ourselves first.当有不同意见的时候,我们应该考虑先改变自己而不是改变别人。改变我们自己更简单因为我们更了解我们自己。其次,改变别人几乎是不可能的因为我们不能控制别人的行为。此外,我们按照“适者生存”的原则生存,意味着我们需要适应我们的环境。所以,我们应该先改变我们自己。


Hello.This is Li Hua,a student from XXX Middle School.I am writing to tell you the trouble I have learning English.Of all the subjects,I do poorest in English.I do badly in the exams.But I don't think I am lazy.I study very hard at it.I read English every morning ...


【To be honest ,I agree with those parents.去掉,改为In my opinion,】 doing unique things and 【being different改为acting in unusual way】 from others isn't the true uniqueness . 【In my view ,去掉】 if we could develop our specialities ,and do well in some fields , being...

英语的重要性英语作文 英语的重要性英语作文100字 懂外语的好处英语作文 怎样学好英语英语作文 最懂我的人英语作文 我的朋友最懂我英语作文 最懂我的那个人英语作文 简单易懂的英语作文 最懂我的人英语作文初中
...对决什么时候出?发售时间介绍介绍_拳皇97全球对决什么时候出?发售时 ... 拳皇97全球对决多少钱?拳皇97全球对决售价介绍介绍_拳皇97全球对决多少... 《拳皇97》八神庵内战卡位技巧介绍_《拳皇97》八神庵内战卡位技巧是什么... 男人30岁之前,如果能开上这4款车,至少说明混得还不错! ...45岁,各年龄段能开上这三款车,说明你混得不错! 汽车灯AUTO是什么意思? GTX1080Ti显卡需要多少电源? 要做松软的包子要用什么筋度的面粉呢 哪些品牌的防晒性价比高? 敏感肌用什么防晒霜比较好?敏感肌防晒霜哪个牌子最好用 Barack Obama的音标 和读音 21克拉钻戒有多大? 寻找一首韩文歌曲带中文独白` 网络歌曲 独白 第一句 生命中不断地有人离开和进入 于是看见的看不见... ...选2张按要求组成两位数。(1)质数(2)合数(3)2的倍数(4)3的倍数... ...选择两个数组成两位数. 2的倍数50、60、70、56... ...哪些是2的倍数?哪些是3的倍数?哪些是5的倍数?76,160,35,57,216,3... 小鸟与稻草人的课题背景 南京结婚习俗有哪些,婚礼需要注意什么? 四百米跑步的技巧 ...是已经有孕3个月,居住地深圳,想请问一下产假可以提前休吗?能在预产... 深圳36周可以正常休产假吗请问 现在画图都用什么软件工具? 时光倒影的情侣名是什么 暮岁印痕是什么意思? 被监视居住的人需要遵循哪些规定 法律规定什么人需要监视居住 流行脑膜炎 监视居住的对象都有哪些人 谁看过80后的一部动画片???急 ​这两张图片都是哪个电影或电视剧的 求解答 在校学生学美容的具体措施有哪些? 平旷是什么意思平旷解释 帮老师忙越帮越忙打一成语 三维形貌测试哪家比较好 佳能打印机为什么发红? 苹果14的数据线是typec吗? 国产杀毒软件好用么? word文档里的表格如何插入表头word表格怎么加入表头 犯刑事案件,判缓刑一年,会有犯罪记录吗 减肥可以吃猪耳朵吗 视频怎么调整方向 埃塞克斯大学研究生奖学金介绍及优势专业解析! 末曾独自赏月的人,不能谈岁月的意思? 雅思考试分几个等级? 2017年英国埃塞克斯大学国际经济学专业全面解析 小孩几个月开始走路 1000字15元,小说打字录入员兼职是真的吗 行政处罚加重处罚情节是什么 行政处罚加重处罚情节是哪些 怎样制作手工制品?