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帮忙写几句具有说服力的英语议论文,主题是“英语比汉语重要”_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 09:54



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 11:35

I think the chinese is important as it is our daily language. We use it very second unconsciously and spontaneously. It is said that there are about 5561 languages in the world. Everyone masters his native language. How does all mankind communicate with each other? We need a universal language to get through. That will be English. However, English is getting more important to us in many aspects than chinese for the reasons below.First of all, language is a media to help people communicate, understand with each other. English is playing the most role in global information and commuication. More than 73 countries and regions make it as offical language. Nowadays, more and more countries set English courses in schools to let it popular. That means it will spread all over the world.The second, China is mysterious country to the outside world long time ago, but with the developement of our society and globalization, China is openning a window to the whole world. To let more and more people get a better understanding of our country, we should find a way to tell others our history, culture,tradition. Language is definitly the tool to accompish it. We should translate our language into different ones, and English is absolutely the most widely known one. Very sophistcated English skill will be essential to promote our contry. The third, our economy has increased dramaticaly in recent year. It is highly related with openning up policy. We do international trade with more and more countries. The most contracts are drafted in English. We must reach agreements with others by this way. In order to develope a overseas market, enlarge our exports, we must be good at show our specialty to other countries and regions by language. That is nothing but English.Besides, We should be aware of our flaw all the time. We need compare ourselves with other countries and learn a lesson from them experience. That demands us to know them very well. We can realize it by contact, touch, visit and so on. English is a key to learn about other country and background.Generally speaking, as the most basic way of communication, English is becoming effective to the people all over the world. On the basis of good chinese, we can learn English very well. It will be more useful than our native language in more and more fields.译文如下:我认为中文之所以重要是因为它是我人的日常用语,我们无意识,不由自主且无时不刻地用着中文.据说世界上有5561种语言,每个人都能掌握母语,可全人类如何一同交流呢?我们需要一种通用语言来做到这点,这就是英语。现今英语在很多方面越发显得比中文重要了,主要有以下几点原因。只把第一段翻译了,因为每个人对语言的理解不同,希望你能自己理解我写的内容。另外,这是本人原作,请不要引用,多谢!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 11:38

I think the chinese is important but chinese is only used in China and the country who says Chinese,when you meet foreigners in China or abroad, you have to use English to talk to them.English is a world-wide language and many countries in the world have English teaching courses and people in most countries can speak English besides their native language.So if you meet someone abroad you don't know where he comes from you can surely communicate with him by English.This is very important for you to do business with foreigners because China has join the WTO,the international trades will become more and more.So we need to speak good English to have more chances to develop our business talents
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