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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 10:26



热心网友 时间:2024-11-27 14:46

Bulacan State University's Confucius Institute is a collaborative venture between China and the Philippines, marking the second such institution in the country. The partnership was initiated in 2007 when the university signed an agreement with the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) on June 22nd. The groundwork for the institute began in September 2008, followed by its inauguration on February 28, 2009.

Under the support and guidance of the Chinese Embassy and various Philippine organizations, the two partner institutions have demonstrated a strong commitment to collaboration and innovation. They have successfully launched over 10汉语班(huànyǔ bān), attracting a total of 987 participants in various levels of language study. The institute has also organized more than 22 cultural events, including lectures, language promotion, exhibitions, competitions, and traditional festivals, engaging a total of 3,478 attendees. This has significantly contributed to the institute's growing influence in the Bulacan province and beyond.

Looking forward, the Confucius Institute at Bulacan State University is committed to its mission. It aims to expand Chinese language ecation and cultural activities across the university, Bulacan's surrounding community, neighboring provinces in Region 3, and even Cebu City, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture among all stakeholders.
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