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...Live) (Live In E. Rutherford, Nj On 03.28.06 - Edited) 歌词...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 10:47



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 21:07

歌曲名:Liar (Live) (Live In E. Rutherford, Nj On 03.28.06 - Edited)
专辑:Live & Unglued

My brother, you love her
But don\'t give up your instincts
Hang onto you know what
They\'ll be gone fast as you blink
They\'re trained to seduce you
Suck you dry quick as they can
They bite down, reduce you
Now you\'re barely a man
Oh my God
How could you deny the flood/flawed
That\'s flowing through you
Hey you
You\'re saying that she\'s all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire
It\'s not wrong to let go
And let the woman ride you
For fuck sake, don\'t lose touch
With the dog that\'s inside you
She wanted what you had
You bet she smelt the spore
Don\'t wimp up, fuck her up
One more time, slam that door
Oh my God
How can you deny the flawed
That\'s flowing through you
Hey you
You\'re saying that she\'s all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire
Oh my God
How can you deny the flawed
That\'s flowing through you
Hey you
You\'re saying that she\'s all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire
Oh my God
How can you deny the flawed
That\'s flowing through you

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