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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 00:49



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 12:27

I need someone to hear my inner voice.So many words i want to say,but i have said nothing finally,because you are the right and only one i want to say with but you are not right beside me.I need you terribly!One year have gone,and i ofent dreamd of you .Thinking a lot ,i have to admit my mistake about the thing one year ago.But now i will give my best to you .When you come and be mine?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 12:27

"I need a man, hear my voice, and I have a lot of words to say, but couldn't find the right person, and not only me, I need you! Actually, I have many things to say to you. Only you is my best listener. 1 year time, you often appear in my dream, I also think a lot, 1 years ago I really do wrong. Now I will be good for you. But, when can I have your?

热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 12:27

I need one to hear my voice and I've many words to say!
But ther is no proper, the only one is not beside me. I really need you, and have many words want to say, you are the best listener to me! You are always appeared in my dream in the last year,I had thought much about it! I had done it wrong 1 year ago, Now I'll treat
you well! But when I can have you!


热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 12:28

I need a man,listen to my voice,I have some to say, but cant to find a suitable candidate, the only candidate, not on my side, I need you.Really, I have many words to say to you. Olny you is my best listener.1 year time,you often in my dreams.I think a lot of it, 1 years ago I really do wrong. Now I must be good for you. However, when can I have your?
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