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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 02:44



热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 10:32

1. Marriage is one of the most important things in life. Marriage is most people are the inevitable. Marriage problems is also a focus of the social concern. The marriage problems are filled with various contradictions, such as we are choose love our, or choose the people we love? We is to select a we don't love, but have money? Or select a we love, but very poor people? These are all problems.
2. But there is another problem is not allow to ignore, that is our choice of, can get the recognition of the parents. Sometimes, people we love, but no parents' love. Parents is birth, raising our people, but we also have trouble discarding our loved ones, so do?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 10:32

The marriage is one of the most important things in our life.Most people can't avoid the marriage.the problem of marriage is aslo a point which is paid attention by society.It's full of kinds of different points.For example do we chose the man who is love us or we love?Do we chose the man whom we don't love,but have money.or chose the man whom we love but poor? they are all the problems
2.But we aslo can't neglect another problem,It is that if our parents can agree the man we chosen.sometimes,our parents can't like we love.Parents bear and raise us,but we aslo can't depart from our lovers.How shoud we do.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 10:33

My best love girl, if I tell you everything,could I change the result ? Will you love me without him? Oh my girl, if I tell you

4.总之,选择沉默或者用不正当的手段报复,是绝对不可取的!1. At present, campus violence has become a topic of social concern. As a student, learning and living on campus, if encountered campus violence, how to solve? Patience? Or a lawsuit? Or take other measures? What should ...


50.Winners do what losers don't want to do胜利者做失败者不愿意做的事!



翻译几句超简单的英文句子 中文翻英文 急!!

monday september the eigth(eight是基数词,这里要用序数词即eigth)


(I have thought I could really be joyful with your joy, happy with your happiness and sad with your sadness.)我说过我什么都不用你承诺,我只想在开心的时候让你知道我想跟你分享我的开心,在难过的时候听到你的一句简单的鼓励。你真的觉得纵使这样我依然太过放肆了吗?I have said I ...

给翻译一下呗 汉译英哈 (要简单点的句子和简单的单词哈)

I joined the training of LiYang Crazy English when I was ten and I also took up training by Tone English during the winter vacations, so I am very confident in my pronunciation ability. By the way, I am a very active person, and definitely can arouse the vibe in the ...


研究历史 a book of -dies for the piano 钢琴练习曲集 a quick [slow] study (台词)记得快[慢]He is fond of study.他喜欢学习。I shall not end my -dies when I leave school.中学毕业后, 我将继续我的学业。Biology is the study of living things.生物 学是对生物的研究。I read ...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!

1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...


Love never dies. 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 I'll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。


1. Mum / My mother allows/permits me to watch TV for 2 hours a day.2. Can you stop him (from) talking?3. They must hand in their homework on time.4. It often snows in winter in the north.5. Look! It is snowing in the north....

简短精辟的句子,太绝了 高深意境句子 句句说到心坎上的句子 不离不弃的句子 孤独句子简短 表达心情不好的句子 心情好的句子 哲理句子 优美句子
...之九=二十五分之() 十二分之五=六十分之()=二十四分之() ...之三x=二十分之九 八分之一x=三十二分之五 四十四分之二十一x=十一... 动脑筋,找规律,再填空。(1)三十二分之五、八分之五、( )、10 八分之五等于三十二分之几等于几分之二十五? 学的专业不是电气自动化,想成为电气工程师但是我不知道怎么入手,谁能... 卓应教育咨询有限公司的就业保障措施如何? ai画板怎么改大小ai画板怎么改大小快捷键 我以前在农牧站上班,现己被开除,己上了十二年,现在交社保,十二年工龄可 ... 84年行政事业单位被除名的职工(22年工龄,但现已经超过退休年龄,没有... ...里插曲"你是不可不飘荡的清风 我是芒草倾入你怀中" 请问是什么歌... 为什么老鼠会在凌晨发出大声叫声? 必须了解的汽车小知识,全是干货,看看你 做梦别人把烟头扔我挡风玻璃上烧坏了什么意思? 梅西精神是什么 适合小学四年级的朦胧诗 朗读大约1分钟左右的 一块光伏发电板一年发多少电? 省、市、县三级展板如何三角形排列 借款合同无效利息怎么办 双方离婚怎么做财产公证? 离婚财产分配如何公证? 南通到睢宁县金唐村怎么走 嘉兴市骏马建筑机械租赁有限公司怎么样? 韶关厨房设备公司哪家好? 陕西骏马工程机械有限公司怎么样? 河北骏马机械设备有限公司怎么样? 邱县骏马机械有限公司怎么样? 别克昂科雷的方向盘突然转不动了? 昂科雷1年半的车,原地或低速打方向盘,方向盘(不论连续转动几圈)都会... 建筑图纸做法上显示由后勤装饰单位施工,后勤装饰单位是啥意思,为啥叫后... 建筑行业后勤部主要干什么' 结婚是一件多么神圣的事啊!汉译英 ...不容易开始,也难以结束,更不可能被遗忘. 翻译成英文是? 如何检测网络安全? 网络上字典是什么意思? 谁能告诉我塔山驾校学摩托车本需要多少钱呀?谢谢 求《题张氏隐居》翻译(较简洁的),加一句话概括。急求,好的话另加分... 其深可以隐,其富可以养。用现代汉语怎么翻译?求大神学霸翻译~\(≧▽... 阿荣旗合管办在哪里? 2024行贿罪的立案标准有什么规定 佛法僧是什么组织,是什么样的存在? 行贿受贿罪立案标准是什么? 贿赂金额多少金额以上立案追诉 fategrandorder玛塔哈丽实用性评测介绍_fategrandorder玛塔哈丽实用性... 儿媳妇母亲节送花给婆婆应该怎么说谢谢好? 母亲节送花给婆婆内容表白简短 儿媳出产房婆婆跑着送花亲吻!拥有这样的婆婆是种什么样的体验? 十年寒窗苦明日终生乐是什么意思 c1驾驶证年检新规定2023年 c1驾驶证年审新规定是什么? 整一个上午和中午还有下午都在剧烈运动为什么晚上喝再多的水还是口渴...