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Only the Good Die Young (Live) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 03:07



热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 04:56

歌曲名:Only the Good Die Young (Live)
歌手:Billy Joel
专辑:2000 Years: The Millennium Concert

Only The Good Die Young
Come out, Virginia. Don't let me wait.
You Catholic girls start much too late,
But sooner or later, it comes down to fate.
I might as well be the one.
They showed you a statue, told you to pray.
They built you a temple and locked you away,
But they never told you the price that you pay
For things that you might have done.
Only the good die young.
You might've heard I run with a dangerous crowd.
We ain't too pretty. We ain't too proud.
We might be laughing a bit too loud,
But that never hurt no one.
So come on, Virginia, show me a sign,
Send up a signal. I'll throw you a line.
The stained-glass curtain you're hiding behind
Never lets in the sun,
And only the good die young.
You got a nice white dress and a party on your confirmation.
You got a brand new soul
And a cross of gold,
But, Virginia, they didn't give you quite enough information.
You didn't count on me
When you were counting on your rosary.
They say there's a heaven for those who will wait.
Some say it's better but I say it ain't.
I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints.
Sinners are much more fun,
And only the good die young
You say your mother told you all that I could give you
Was a reputation.
She never cared for me,
But did she ever say a prayer for me?
Come out, Virginia. Don't let me wait.
You Catholic girls start much too late,
But sooner or later, it comes down to fate.
I might as well be the one.
Only the good die young.
And only the good die young.

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