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...翻译成英语! A:寒假到了,我打算坐火车回家。 B:真的?你在哪儿坐?广...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 18:38



热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 07:22

A: Winter holiday is coming. I plan to go home by train.
B: Really? Where will you take the train? At Guangzhou Railway Station?
A: Yes. There are trains to my home directly, so taking a train is convenient for me, and the ticket price is very low as well.
B: But it's very difficult to buy a ticket. After all, Spring Festival transportation is coming. What's more, there will be too many people in the railway station that you may not catch the train.
A: Em...You are right. How is the bus? What about taking a bus at XXXXX?
B: That's not bad. Although the bus costs more time than the train, the bus price is low, and you can travel to the center of the city by bus. In this way, you will find it easy to change the bus to go home.
A: But there are also disadvantages for the bus. My home is not at the center of city, so once I arrive at the city center, I need to take the bus for one more hour to go home.
B: However, thinking of Spring Festival transportation, I suggest you to take a bus, not a train. Maybe you can take a bus starting from school.
A: Alright, I'll go to buy the ticket.
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