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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 19:51



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 20:18

The nation's weather

By WEATHER UNDERGROUND For The Associated Press
Posted: 12/28/2009 01:55:20 AM PST
Updated: 12/28/2009 01:55:21 AM PST

Wintry weather was forecast to persist over the Great Lakes and Northeast as a low pressure system hovered over the region.

The low pressure system that brought heavy snowfall and near blizzard conditions to the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest and periods of heavy rains over the Mid- and Upper Mississippi regions in the last few days was expected to move up the Ohio River Valley. While the storm had lost some energy, it was expected to gain moisture from the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean and was forecast to bring light and scattered snowfall to the region.

Up to 4 inches of snow was forecast for New England, while the eastern shores of the Lower Great Lakes was expected to see up to 7 inches of heavier lake-effect snowfall. Parts of Maine were expected to only see a few scattered flurries with highs in the 30s, while the Ohio River Valley was to remain in the mid-20s.

Behind this system in the Central U.S., drier weather was expected as high pressure built over the region, bringing cool conditions and plenty of sunshine to the Plains. The Northern Plains were forecast to see highs in the lower 20s, while the Southern and Central Plains were to remain in the 40s and 50s.

In the West, a low pressure system spinning off the West Coast was expected to continue pushing slight moisture over the Pacific Northwest and northern California. Another cool day with scattered clouds and some snow was forecast over the higher elevations of the Cascades and the

Sierra Nevadas.
Temperatures in the Lower 48 states Sunday ranged from a low of -20 degrees at Jordan, Mont. to a high of 79 degrees at Boca Raton, Fla.

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