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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 20:57



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 00:07

Oh I see what you do
But I can do I better
And the talk of the town is true
But I'll make you forget her
How can you hate something that you aint never tried?
You’ve got to lose control almost every night
Yeah you see, what they do?
Well we can do it better, yeah im talking to you.
You’ve got to feel it, see it, know how much you mean it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t take a chance,
You’ve got to use it, lose it, know how just to do it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t wanna dance?
Oh I know life is hard?
So I live it for the weekend,
You can hurt un-d-e-er
Oh I guess it really deepens
Whats the point in worrying about being cool
When theres a million things to learn they never teach you in school?
I don’t believe what they say,
We just want tomorrow to be better than today!
You’ve got to feel it, see it, know how much you mean it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t take a chance,
You’ve got to use it, lose it, know how just to do it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t wanna dance?
You’ve got to feel it, see it, know how much you mean it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t take a chance,
You’ve got to use it, lose it, know how just to do it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t wanna dance?
Fabrications complicate the word in the world,
Too much useless information plays with your head
Very clever people know we all need a chance
To stop our clever busyness, and let go and dance!
You’ve got to use it, lose it, know how just to do it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t wanna dance?
You’ve got to feel it, see it, know how much you mean it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t take a chance?
You’ve got to use it, lose it, know how just to do it,
Whats the point in living if you don’t wanna dance?
Oh-oh oh-oh everybody, Everybody wanna dance now?
Oh-oh oh-oh everybody, Everybody wanna dance now!

热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 00:14


热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 00:09


热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 00:13

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