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求翻译His sister no less than you is wrong

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 05:37



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 02:05


"no less than you"是用来修饰"wrong"这个形容词的,只不过把它的位置提到前面去罢了。这句话也可以说成“His sister is wrong no less than you." 这样子,句子就好理解多了吧。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 02:06

his sister no less than you is wrong 怎样翻译成汉语

他姐姐和你一样都大错特错。祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!


A as well as + B +动词 A no less than +B +动词 其中,动词与A主语一致。如:John as well as you is wrong.The captain with his men was saved.Helen no less than her sisters is beautiful.The bat together with the balls was stolen.Nobody but John and Helen was absent.这些...

he is no remarkable a man than his elder brother意思?不能把“is...

no less,丝毫不逊色,相差无几的意思,固定用法.

child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling,life-enr...

less than在非比较性表达中,并不是表示“少于”而是:by mo means,not at all 毫不 【nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that [child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling,life-enriching experience.]】这里前面有一个nothing啊,nothing与none,no,not,never等的地位...


A as well as + B +动词 A no less than +B +动词 其中,动词与A主语一致。如:John as well as you is wrong.The captain with his men was saved.Helen no less than her sisters is beautiful.The bat together with the balls was stolen.Nobody but John and Helen was absent....

我的书比你多 英语翻译

I have many books,只不过你的是比较级,more是形容词形容books的 2.It may be much worse/better than you thought 3/4/5我感觉楼上的翻译的不错 6.The telephone has rang for three times,but there is no people to answer it we will answer the phone on its third ring ...


I rather than he am to blame.(4) no less than 表示 ' 同 ... 一样 ' 之意. 例如: He no less than you is my friend. 从上述诸例可以看出当 as well as ,more than, rather than, no less than 连接两个成分作主语时谓语动词应于第一个成分的数相一致. 在使用并列连词时我们应该注意: (...


两点之间的距离仅仅是思念,别无其他,仿佛触手可及,却遥不可及。 The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.如果你爱他,请你也为他好好寻找自己生活的支点, If you love him, you are also good for him to ...


that day really worked hard. Will be the early守在门口, such as the classroom doors open on the inside of a red.拼了命of the book into the hands in front of the table. But the ban was the first think that there is still less than sit in front of many people,...


” Pierre Curie that chair too small, it is recommended a few to more than Tim, so guests had no place to sit, Madame Curie said: "There is good chairs, but guests to sit down and do not'm off. In order to more time conducting research, or forget it! "居里夫人的年薪...

something wrong not less…than more less than any less than less than you what is wrong less strong noless than for less than
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