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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 06:33



热心网友 时间:2024-07-31 18:21

Hani "Nusa Rama Ami" nomadic life until the lives of today's cross-border settlement of this long history, festivals and created a unique style of celebration-Brown fan dance. Palm fan dance is based on legends from the records confirmed that from the ancient Festival. In the ritual activities, Brown fan dancing constantly perfected and developed, in the course of development, Brown fan dance has been with Hani for generations, is a symbol of Hani's life, the continuation of life. The papers will now spread in Yuanjiang County of Hani Brown fan dances as a research object, from a research perspective on ecology of dancing, to Brown-fan dance of cultural history for the context, causes analysis of cultural connotation of dance and movement forms, exploring its development trend and tradition.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-31 18:27

Hani from "Mary Amy effort" nomadic life until today's cross-border settlement
in the long history of life and created a unique style of dance celebrations and
festivals culture-Brown fan. Palm fan dance is based on legends from the records
confirmed that from the ancient Festival. In the ritual activities, Brown fan
dancing constantly perfected and developed, in the course of development, Brown
fan dance has been with Hani for generations, is a symbol of Hani's life, the
continuation of life. This paper is now active in dance as a research object in
Yuanjiang County of Hani Brown fan, proceeding from the perspectives of the 这个 是否满意??

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