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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 07:01



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 13:06

Who would not want to eat a ripe juicy crunchy cool slice of watermelon in the hot
I found one of the best places to buy a watermelon was from a fruit stand near my home . They were stored in a truck of which driver was seller. He was a good seller and helped me how to choose one. He also told me something about watermelon :
watermelon are picked when ripe, unlike those found in supermarkets. Watermelons sold in commercial grocery stores are often picked early,so they can ripen while being transported. However, the melons can arrive too early, even too late, and making them, well, just not good.
Look for a melon that is nice looking, meaning free of dents, bruises, cuts, etc. Check under the melon - if it has a yellow or light bottom, it should be ripe. If it's stripes are found all around the melon, pass on it. It's just not ready yet.
You may see people at the market tapping on watermelon. What exactly are they listening for? They are checking for signs of hollowness. It is sounds hollow, its ripe. Not hollow, unripe.
Look for a heavy melon. Watermelons are made up of mostly water, so an ideal melon should be heavy for its size.

I found one of the best places to buy a watermelon was from a fruit stand near my home . They were stored in a truck of which driver was seller. He was a good seller and helped me how to choose one. He also told me something about watermelon :watermelon are picked w...

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