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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 06:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 18:52

According to the actual development of cold chain of agricultural products in Fujian Province in the past few years, adopting the Theory of Modern Logistics and exponential smoothing, synthesizing the status quo(现状)of cold chain development in Fujian, (the artical indicates the disadvantages of this type of development) through the predicted consequence(result) of the demand for cold chain logistics.
And to be targeted and pointed, the artical also puts up with several developing strategies for the future of the cold chain.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 18:51

Based on the actual development of the cold-chain agricultural products in Fujian Province over the past few years and the forecasting results of the demand for agricultural products cold-chain logistics, it is pointed out in this paper, by summarizing the actual development of cold-chain logistics of agricultural products in Fujian, the deficiencies in the development of cold-chain logistics of agricultural products, and proposed, using modern logistics theories and the exponential smoothing method, countermeasures targeting at and focusing on such deficiencies, for the development in the next few years.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 18:54

This article unified Fujian in the past few years the cold chain agricultural product actual development situation, the application modern logistics theory and index smoothing procedures, synthesized the Fujian agricultural product cold chain logistics development present situation, through the agricultural product cold chain physical distribution demand forecast result, proposed malpractice that the Fujian agricultural product cold chain logistics development had, and was targeted on these questions, provided the development strategy of next few years with emphasis.
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