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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 13:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 15:11


热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 15:17

Steady state etc. ion body the propeller(SPT) is the effect of Hoare which makes use of an electronics to become while exercising in the electromagnetism field to make propulsion the atom electricity leave and make the born ion accelerate in the static electricity field, produce to push dint thus, it has ratio blunt big, the efficiency is effectively high and carry the lotus rate great characteristics, extensively applied keep in the position of satellite, carriage control and orbit transfer etc. mission.SPT with electromagnetism consociation work is basal of, the suitable magnetic field is the foundation which launches machine to work normally, influencing work function of launching the machine directly, so the magnetic field design to the pass importance, is a SPT design core.The SPT usually uses xenon spirit to do work quality, but on the earth of xenon spirit the content is low, its atom quality again more big, not easily acquire a high ratio blunt, but krypton spirit of atom quality more light, acquiring high is paster than hurtling, thus and very easily this time graduation the design is to use krypton spirit as work quality.
This text is the magnetic field which adjusts through the Femm limited dollar software to try a magnetic field with different SPT-K0 to focuse degree with"zero magnetisms order" different position in the acceleration the passage form, and pass an experiment, measure a type under to should of vibration, turn on electricity electric current and push other functions of dint machine, summary regulation, is excellent for further magnetism road to turn a design to provide basis, carry on a new magnetic pole design on this foundation in the meantime.
Make use of element of arc to oxidize a technique to plate at the SPT outside magnetic pole metals surface previous three oxidize two aluminum porcelain and ceramicses, and start experiment good and bad of prognosticating the more different structure.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 15:13

Stationary plasma thruster (SPT) is the use of electronic campaign electromagnetic field formed Hall effect makes the original propellant make-ionization ion generation in the electrostatic field to accelerate, thereby creating thrust, it has specific impulse, high efficiency and large payload rate characteristics, which are widely used to maintain the position of the satellite, attitude control and orbit transfer, and other tasks. SPT is based on electromagnetic basis for joint work, the magnetic field is suitable engine based on normal work, a direct impact on engine performance, the design of the magnetic field is crucial, SPT is the core design. SPT normally use xenon gas quality work, but on the planet Xenon gas content is low, its atomic mass is large and difficult to obtain high specific impulse, Krypton gas and the relatively light atoms, which can easily obtain high specific impulse, the graduation of this design is the use of krypton gas as a working fluid. This paper is passed Femm finite element software debugging out SPT - K0 different magnetic field levels and focused "zero magnetic spots" in speeding up Channel different locations of the magnetic field configuration, and through experiments, measured the magnetic field-type counterparts under the shock, Discharge current and thrust of other properties, summed up the law, in order to further optimize the magnetic circuit design basis, At the same time on the basis of this new pole design. SPT pole outside the metal surface using micro-oxidation technology Drives with a layer of aluminum oxide ceramic. Experimental observation and comparison of the structure.
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