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2) 日常生活中的句子翻英文!!拜托了 因为写报告要用的! 禁止翻译软件...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 14:44



热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 13:53



Overall goal: Improve his ability to care for himself

Specific goal: Improve his language skills and his ability to comprehend

1. 减少穿尿布

- 为了开始训练他厕所在马桶上,以及不要倚赖尿布


1. Minimise the use of diaper

- In order to train him to use the toilet and to reduce his dependency on diapers, the teacher has started to reduce his chances of wearing diapers until he doesn’t wear it anymore.

2. 让他坐在马通上(协助他)

- 老师用法语和英语解释给他为什麼要上厕所在马桶上以及重要性

- 我用图片给他解释如何正确的上厕所

- 让他坐在马桶上尝试尿尿

- 让他看其他孩子如何上厕所 (看整个流程)

2. Make him sit on the toilet (with assistance)

- The teacher has used both French and English to explain to him the reason of using the toilet and its importance

- I have used diagrams to explain to him the correct way to use the toilet

- Let him try to sit on the toilet to pass urine

- Let him watch how other kids use the toilet (the entire process)

3. 让他自己愿意坐在马桶上尝试看看(不协助他)

- 每天给他长一点的时间坐在马桶上

- 让他看其他孩子如何上厕所 (看整个流程)

- 给他正面的鼓励用奖状鼓励他厕所

3. Make sure he is willing to sit on the toilet and try it out (without assistance)

- Allow him some time to sit on the toilet everyday

- Let him watch how other kids use the toilet (the entire process)

- Give him positive feedbacks and use rewards to encourage him to use the toilet

4. 让他成功的尿尿在马桶上

- 每天给他长一点的时间坐在马桶上 (15至20分钟)

4. Make sure that he successfully passes urine on the toilet

- Allow him some time to sit on the toilet everyday




当他成功时他很高兴很骄傲地对我们说”: 我做到了”


Although he still shakes his head and refuses to go to the toilet most of the times when we asks him to go to the toilet to pass urine, his attitude has improved a lot.

Even though this has only happened once or twice, he has sit on the toilet and passed urine successfully on his own.

When he succeeds, he is very happy and proud, and would say to us: “I made it!”

When we praise him, he is even happier.



I think even though he has only achieved half of the goals I’ve set, with his consistent effort, he will eventually succeed and be willing to go to the toilet by himself everyday.

如有疑问还请继续追问 :)

热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 13:56

Overall objective: to improve the self-care ability
Specific objectives: to improve the ability of his language and understanding
1 reduce wear diapers
In order to start training his toilet in the toilet, and don't rely on diapers
The teacher began to reduce the chances of giving him the chance to wear a diaper and to do it without him.
2 let him sit on a horse (to help him).
- the teacher explained to him in French and in English.
- I explained to him how to correct the toilet.
- let him sit on the toilet and try to pee.
- let him see other children on how to go to the toilet (see the whole process)
3 make him sit on the toilet and try to see (don't help him)
- give him a long time to sit on the toilet every day.
_ let him see other children to the toilet (the entire process)
- give him positive encouragement for awards to encourage him to the toilet
4 make him successful in the toilet
- give him a long time to sit on the toilet (15 to 20 minutes).
Although most of the time he will refuse to go to the toilet, especially when we ask him to go to the toilet pee, he will not be happy and shook his head.
But it's been a lot better.
Now he finally succeeded in sitting on the toilet pee although only one to two times.
When he was successful, he was very happy and proud to say to us: "I did it.""
We praise him, he is very happy
I think my goal is to achieve half but I believe as long as he continues to work hard
Must be successful every day to go to the toilet.
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