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Eliane Embrun的《Domino》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-07 08:14



热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 03:18

歌手:Eliane Embrun
专辑:Si J éTais Une Cigarette

Amy Diamond - Domino
You're playing your pieces
You're setting me up
Trying to knock me down
You don't have a reason
That I can believe in
To push me round
You're creating a highway of lies
One by one
No matter what you say or do
I won't fall like a domino
Matter how you sway (you sway)
The truth, (ah, ah, ahh)
I won't fall like a domino
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
You're writing me letters
You think you know better
What's right and wrong
You think you're perfection
And that my direction
Just doesn't belong
You're making a fool of yourself
You're so far gone
No matter what you say or do
I won't fall like a domino
Matter how you sway (you sway)
The truth, (ah, ah, ahh)
I won't fall like a domino
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
You'll reap the things you sow
You'll go down like a domino
Just watch me from below
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
(No matter what you say) or do
I won't fall like a domino
Matter how you sway (you sway)
The truth, (ah, ah, ahh)
I won't fall like a domino
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
(I won't fall like a)
I won't fall like a
I won't fall like a domino
(Aahh, aahh, aahh)
I won't fall like a domino
(Aahh, aahh, aahh)
I won't fall like a domino

Eliane Embrun的《Domino》 歌词

I won't fall like a domino You'll reap the things you sow You'll go down like a domino Just watch me from below I won't fall like a I won't fall like a domino (No matter what you say) or do I won't fall like a domino Matter how you sway (you sway)The truth...

Cantate Domino Domino Kirke NW的domino 小情歌歌词 千千阙歌歌词 下山歌曲歌词 domino11 domino意思 domino怎么玩
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