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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-07 08:24



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 16:11

Today is the Spring Festival, Chinese lunar New Year. In the morning, the sun rises gradually, sunshine dispelled the mist, the sky WaLan WaLan.

I and the father and mother go out to play, we go out, he saw the street is very lively, in the air rippling the crackers smoke flavour, people in festival new clothes, all radiant with joy. For our children to more happy New Year. In my hand, GongYanYan, glistening, green ying ying balloon, laughing.

My family came to the GuPeng square. The festival GuPeng square people mountain people sea, decorations, PiGongGuaLu, floating everywhere of color balloons and banners; A tight like a drums, people long dragon dance, and studies, was a joyful sea, we are all immersed in this festival celebrating the atmosphere.
英语作文my national day带汉语七十词

National Day is the birthday of our party.It’s on the first day of October.It is my happy day,because I don’t need to go to school and have a rest for seven days.And my parents will take my elder sister and me out to play on national day every year.This year my ...

英语作文my vacation to beijng 七十词左右

范文:This holiday, I went to Beijing with my parents. We came to Badaling Great Wall and saw many lessons. As the saying goes: not to the Great Wall is not a hero.这个假期,我和我的父母去了北京。我们来到八达岭长城,看到了许多城墙。俗话说:不到长城非好汉。I quickly got up...

写一篇英语作文介绍你的家庭成员用上This is That is These are Those...

I have a big family. This is my grandpa and he is seventy. That is my grandma and she is seventy, too. They are old and they aren't work.我有一个大家庭。这是我爷爷,他七十岁了。那是我奶奶,她也七十岁了。他们老了,不工作了。These are my parents and they both work i...

我想要一篇以my friend的七十个单词的英语作文,多几个也没关系.1

My good friend is Tommy. He is shorter and thinner than me. He’s good at basketball and he likes to eat meat. He likes to play games, too!He is very generous. And sometimes he shares some food with me and lends me some books. He is very strong. He lives in Xiangshan...

你的朋友amy暑假想来北京玩,请你介绍一下北京 英语小作文 80个词...

Beijing is the capital city of China and a popular destination for travelers. It is rich in culture and history, offering many unique sights and experiences. As your friend Amy plans her trip, she may want to visit some of the following attractions:Firstly, the Great Wall of ...

...请根据提示写一篇七十个单词左右的短文介绍他的业余爱好。_百度知 ...

Liuchang is my good friend. She has many hobbies. She used to play badminton every week. Watching badminton games was also her interest. Nowadays, she is really into watching movies in English. It helps her a lot in proving listening skills.




1、以我的暑假去了北京为题写一篇英语作文?如下:I went to Beijing on my holidays.我假期去了北京。I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to...


牛肉面制作过程英语作文 First wash and cut the beef into pieces, then heat it in the pot, blanch the bleeding water, skim the floating powder and take it out for standby. Then heat the pot with cold oil, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant, then stir fry the beef, a ...



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