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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 15:25



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:06

I am called Lin Feng , come from Guangxi, that I am to as soon as 07 sessions of graates of Guang Dong province Zhao Qing City science and technology occupation Tec , only read is business affairs English special field. Hobby: Social intercourse , calligraphy. I love this job heartily very much that I come to an oral quiz's today is an international service documentary member , I hope one being able to become your company in future the before long , I can hard-working and able to enre hard work , take job seriously , be responsible , can resolve the difficulty coming across in the job on one's own. Acclimatization is unyielding and. I believe that I have capability composing very good.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:06

I am Lin Feng from Guangxi, and I am a new graate from the Guangdong Zhaoqing Technologies School majored in business English. I am quite social and I am good at calligraphy. I am here to apply for the international business assistant position you offered, and I really hope I could be part of your company in the new future. I believe I am a hard-working and responsible person, and I am able to solve problems on my own ring work. In addition, I can quickly adapt to a new environment. Believe in me please, and I will show you the result.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:07

I am Lin Feng, coming from Guangxi, I am province Zhao Qingin a Guangdong to celebrate science and technology occupation technical college 07 graate students, what to attend is a business English profession.A fondness for:Social intercourse, calligraphy.I have a passion for this work very much, I came to personal interview today be an international business to follow a single member, I hoped me can become in the near future a member of your company, my ability was diligent, is earnest to the work, be responsible for, can solve the difficulty that meets in the work independently.And the orientation ability is strong.I believe I have an ability to do a good job.
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