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30点~! 简单介绍(百零至最多二百字)几个去大阪旅行会去既景点(英文)

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热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 06:04


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英文 最好系自己写 如果真系唔系自己写请写埋出处同 唔好过200字plz(功课

Osaka Castle
Tennoji here's one of the example
and you can find some other more in the link provided below jnto.go.jp/eng/location/regional/osaka/index Osaka Castle with its huge lawn park. The bustling Umeda Underground Mall and Namba are also main attractions. 图片参考:jnto.go.jp/eng/location/regional/osaka/img/270004osaka Osaka prefecture located in the center of Kinki region in the Midwest Japan covers the *** allest prefecture land area in Japan
but boasts of largest population and highest population density second only after the capital
Tokyo. Mountains surround three sides of the prefecture and the west faces the arc-shaped Osaka Bay. Since it is close to former capitals of Japan Kyoto and Nara
it prospered as an important point for land and water trportation as well as a mercial city. 图片参考:jnto.go.jp/eng/location/regional/osaka/img/271204sumiyoshitaisya In the Osaka City is the Osaka Castle with a five-layer donjon as its core
on a lawn park that stretches for about 60
000 square meters. During the cherry blossom season in the spring
this park is especially crowded with hanami (cherry blossom viewing) crowd. Osaka's north gate
has a gigantic stretch of underground mall that houses many restaurants
fashion and sundry goods stores. In contrast to Kita with Umeda as its core
Minami is an area with core cities Namba
a popular business and shopping district
and Dotonbori with many restaurants on both sides of Dotonbori-gawa River. Minami is known as a town of public entertainment and has many theaters and cinemas. In recent years
the development of Osaka's new showplace
the waterfront
is taking place. Tenpo-zan Harbor Village
which has a 112 meter-high Ferris wheel
shopping mall and Suntory Museum
a plex of cultural facilities
and ATC(Asia Pacific Trade Center)
Japan's largest outlet mall
are also popular.
参考: jnto.go.jp/eng/location/regional/osaka/index

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