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以“My Family Rules"为题的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-14 04:29



热心网友 时间:2024-06-05 12:21

In my family have some rules。My parents is strict with me。this give me some presures.I think they are good for me. but I can't put up with.For example, I must get home on time . They aiso don't allow me to play games when I finished my homework.they choose my friends, I can't play together with my own friends. They think the friends of no heiping can't play together for me. I can't stand the way. I have little fredom. I want to say for my parents, I have grown up, I can take care of myselfnow. I know how should I do, I also know what should I to do. So, piease belive me . I will give you the most gades.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-05 12:20

My family rulesMany families have their own rules. So how about mine? Well, I have too many rules and they are so strict for me.My parents don`t allow me to stay up late. They don`t allow me to surf the Internet from Monday to Saturday.They don`t allow me to waste time on TV and I have to do homework every day.They ask me to be home by 5:00 pm and I am not allowed to find any excuses.So these are my family rules.They are really strict and boring, aren`t they?

热心网友 时间:2024-06-05 12:25

My Family Rules Maybe some family both have their own rules. So how about mine? Well, I have too many rules and these are so strict for me. Now,let me show you some of my family rules:No. 1,don`t stay out late and don`t come back home late.No. 2, must go to bed early and get up early before 6:30 every day.No. 3, don`t watch too much TV, play computer games and don`t eat too much junk food.No. 4, must help parents with housework and clean own room every day.No. 5, must do homework, read books and stay at home on weekends.So as you can see, what do you think of them? I think they are very strict and they are very boring. I hate them, do you know ? Well,forget them. Although in some ways they are strict and boring, they let me learned to cherish.So though your parents are strict to you,they are right.How about yours?

热心网友 时间:2024-06-05 12:25

My Family Rules
There are some rules in my family. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.I have too much homework to do after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. On weekends, i have to clean my room and visit my grandparents.I always very busy.
Although I am very busy,I still very happy.
Family Rules

In my family,I have to many rules. It’s diffcult but king of interesting.On weekdays.Ihave to get up early in the morning.I can’t watch TV and go out on school nights,I have to go home quickly after school,because I have much homework to do.And Ihave to wash my hands before you have meals. I can’t talk loudly when my family are having dinner.Igo to bed by tne.On weekends,if my mother doesn’t stay at home.I must look after my litter sister.I have to help my mom clean the room.Imust do some dishes when we finish eating.In the evening.Ihave to go for a walk with my cute day.And I can’t hang out with my friends.Later I have to help my mom make dinner.
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