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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-13 01:41



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 22:22

摘 要土壤分析是对土壤的组成分和物理、化学性质进行的定性、定量测定。基本测定项目有土壤水分测定,速效钾测定,有机磷测定,有机质测定,酸度测定,全钾测定等项目。该文详细的介绍了一般土壤分析项目的具体步骤,及计算方式。土壤分析可以有效的判定土壤的功用,最大化程度的利用土壤,农用或工用,以及适宜种植的作物。
Pick to soil analysis is the soil's composition points and physical and chemical properties of the qualitative and quantitative determination. Basic measurement project has the soil moisture content determination, the determination of phosphorus and potassium, determination of organophosphorus, determination of organic matter, ph measurement, total potassium and determination of the project. This paper introduced the general soil analysis project specific steps, and calculated. Soil analysis can effectively determine the function of the soil, the maximum degree of use of the soil, agricultural or work, and suitable for cultivation of crops.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 22:20

Soil analysis is to measure the soil composition as well as soil physical and chemical properies qualitatively and quantitatively . The basice measured items are soil moisture, available potassium, organophosphates, organic matter, pH, and total potassium, atc. This article is going to introduce the concrete steps of the common soil analysis items and computational methods. Soil analysis can judge the fuction of the soil effectively so that people can fully use the soil in agriculture, industry and to find out if is suitable for cultivation of crops.

Key words: soil, analysis, moisture, available potassium, organophosphates, organic matter, pH, total potassium

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