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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-13 22:07



热心网友 时间:2024-06-14 21:08

To XXXXXXX Foundation,
Thanks for the XXXXXX scholarship. Thanks to the whole staffof the XXXXXX foundation for the hard work you have done.
XXXXXX scholarship has given me the material guarantee for mystudy and life, so that I can spend more time on learning. This scholarship isenough for my tuition of the coming year, moreover, I can spend the balance amounton more books to explore the range of my knowledge. XXXXXX scholarship hasgiven me big help and realized my university dream, meanwhile, it has alsoreduced the financial burden of my family and makes me concentrate on my studies.
Through threeyears of hard work, my French has been improve a lot and I have passed the testof Level 4 of Professional National French. With the language improvement, I amable to deeply understand the national conditions, culture and economy ofFrance. Between academic year 2013-2014, I will continue trying my bestto finished all the compulsory courses and the minor courses. I will do thesocial practice well and write a good graduationthesis and make a good oral defense. Further more, I will pack up thelast 4 years of study, and prepare for the Postgraduate entrance examinationof 2014. I want to Study for the master's degree and make a good preparationfor my dream. I will study harder in the future and try my best to get betterscores.
Please communicatemy appreciation to the donors and other people of your organization. It will bea big honor for me if my case could help you to collect more scholarship andhelp more students .
Thank youagain to the donors and XXXXXXX Foundation.

Best regards.


热心网友 时间:2024-06-14 21:17


Contact Information: (Your contact information) 你的联系信息
Your Name你的姓名
Your Address 地址
Your City, State, Zip Code 城市、州、邮编
Your Phone Number 手机号码
Your Email Address 邮箱地址

Date 日期

Contact Information: (The person you are writing to) 对方的联系信息
Name 姓名
Title 称谓
Company 公司名
Address 地址
City, State, Zip Code城市、州、邮编

Greeting: 开头问候
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: 亲爱的XX女士、先生,

Body of Thank You Letter: 感谢信内容
When writing a thank you letter, keep your letter simple and focused. Single space your letter and leave a space between each paragraph. Left justify your thank you letter. Use a plain font like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana. Select a font size of 10 or 12 points.
写感谢信时,主要保持感谢信言简意赅。每段都用单倍行距,段与段间空一行。文章左对齐。使用公正的字体,如Arial、Times New Roman或者Verdana字体。使用10号或12号字体。

The first paragraph of your letter should thank the hiring manager for taking the time to interview you.

The second paragraph of your thank you letter should include the reasons why you are a strong candidate for the position. List specific skills that relate to the job you interviewed for.

If there is information about your qualifications that you wish you had mentioned during the interview, but didn't get a chance to discuss, use the next paragraph to explain.

In your closing paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for being considered for the job and let the hiring manager know you are looking forward to hearing from him or her soon.

Leave a blank line after the salutation, between each paragraph, and before the closing.

Closing: 收尾
Best Regards, 也可以写个Sincerely yours啥的

Signature: 签名
Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter) 签上你的大名
Typed Signature 打印你的大名


To XXXXXXX Foundation,Thanks for the XXXXXX scholarship. Thanks to the whole staffof the XXXXXX foundation for the hard work you have done.XXXXXX scholarship has given me the material guarantee for mystudy and life, so that I can spend more time on learning. This scholarship ise...


Thanks for the XXXXXX scholarship. Thanks to the whole staffof the XXXXXX foundation for the hard work you have done.XXXXXX scholarship has given me the material guarantee for mystudy and life, so that I can spend more time on learning. This scholarship isenough for my tuition ...

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男生蹲在那里抽烟,女生去拿他的烟说“给我抽一口(女生不会抽烟... 大理附近哪里有网页UI设计培训班哪家比较正规? 苹果手机音乐文件删除了怎样找回来? 天龙八部3如何升级帮派城市 天龙八部帮派怎么才能升到5级。 视神经萎缩能恢复吗 怎么把vivox5max虚电弄没了 在苹果6手机上怎么注册appleid 梦见自己去私人诊所看下身,结果身上没有钱在裤兜里拿出来的都是卫生纸... 梦见两百万变成了卫生纸,该梦何解 黄帝内经中,《灵枢•本神》有一段话“心怵惕思虑则伤神,神伤则恐惧... 关陂收费站是哪个省的高速路口 急!!辽宁省 海城市 住宿问题 求助海城旅店(便宜 鞍山 带洗澡 电脑) 抗力两个字儿什么意思 妹妹是高中生,额头长痘痘 博士、你好 我是一名高中生 大量的痘痘是我很烦恼 尤其是它已经跟了... 高中生 是脸上痘痘最多的人群吗?为什么? 急求!我是个高中生 皮肤很粗糙 而且爱长痘 请美容专家帮忙 需要用药... 男女关系做错事成语 原神救世者的守灵任务怎么完成-原神救世者的守灵任务完成攻略 Vae&阿布 你若成风歌词 肺癌患者术后是否可以吃鸡肉和鸡蛋吗? 肺癌患者可以吃鸡肉鸡蛋豆浆之类的东西吗 肺癌者能吃鸡肉吗? 东莞市公办小学有哪些学校 苹果怎么查看手机文件夹在哪? 动脉瘤二次出血,昏迷不醒 偏硅酸钠与镁离子或钙离子在碱性条件下反应成什么? 诸暨市人民医院12楼是什么科室 为什么,我的眼里经常饱含泪水?? 我做完牙齿矫正器,我现在在家带牙齿保持器,因钱的原因和路途的遥远... 我有一台黑卡,想拿出去旅行拍摄,我有三脚架,还需要稳定器吗? 《原神》迪卢克喜好什么食物 迪卢克喜好食物介绍 扶风县有什么值得推荐的特色食品? 水的质量影不影响其溶解性 一到晚上喉咙就剧痛,还咳嗽,要怎么办 ...已生一子王达。1994年7月5日,王锋出海打渔遇台风未归,生死不明... 妊娠早期阴道出血,原因多又杂,但不必恐慌! 溪边的意思 溪边写出了溪水什么特点 溪边描写了小溪什么的特点 淄博市八院有无痛肠镜吗 ...想问问一般做一个心脏造影加装一个支架住院六天大概需要多少钱... 大专春季招生什么时候收学费 老婆不喜欢我和她同一个城市打工? 老婆和我不在一个城市打工,她要和我离婚怎么办呢? 怎样停掉合作医疗 日本和西班牙有关系吗 西班牙为什么这么喜欢日本 西班牙跟日本和德国的关系