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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-11 16:23



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:37

In my opinion,the government is there to help its people when they are in trouble.
There are lots of people in a society who may be grouped as the rich and the poor. As far as a human being is concerned, he should go to work just to make a living. But very often we see in the streets many beggars who label themselves as poor people, people who are in need of money .they beg whoever passes them for money. To the best of my knowledge,they are not really or truly poor people. Most of them are just too lazy to work. To those "poor" people,the government shouldn't and don't donate any money at all. But when a disaster happens,some people suudenly become poor without any money. In this respect,it is the duty of the government to provide as much money as possible to restore those people to a normal life.When it comes to a people's government,money donation to the poor is a must.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:44

In my opinion,the government is there to help its people when they are in trouble.There are lots of people in a society who may be grouped as the rich and the poor. As far as a human being is concerned, he should go to work just to make a living. But very often we see in the streets many beggars who label themselves as poor people, people who are in need of money .they beg whoever passes them for money. To the best of my knowledge,they are not really or truly poor people. Most of them are just too lazy to work. To those "poor" people,the government shouldn't and don't donate any money at all. But when a disaster happens,some people suudenly become poor without any money. In this respect,it is the duty of the government to provide as much money as possible to restore those people to a normal life.When it comes to a people's government,money donation to the poor is a must......In my opinion,the government is there to help its people when they are in trouble.
There are lots of people in a society who may be grouped as the rich and the poor. As far as a human being is concerned, he should go to work just to make a living. But very often we see in the streets alife.When it comes to a people's government,money donation to the poor is a mustasdfasdf

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:39

In my opinion,the government is there to help its people when they are in trouble.
There are lots of people in a society who may be grouped as the rich and the poor. As far as a human being is concerned, he should go to work just to make a living. But very often we see in the streets alife.When it comes to a people's government,money donation to the poor is a mustasdfasdf
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