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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-11 09:50



热心网友 时间:2024-08-09 02:51

A class of 29, for the students can see some social and historical aspects of philosophy, natural science, book.
Li Kaifu: "to be the best of yourself"; Daniel Gorman: "who moved my cheese?"
Chinese classics:
The "Analects of Confucius", "moral", "book of changes", "Sun Tzu" and "thirty-six", "Three Kingdoms", "historical records"
Western masterpieces:
Russell the history of western philosophy, Hegel's "Dialectics", Hawking with "a brief history of time" and so on, there are helpful for us to deepen our understanding of things
Celebrity biography:
"Zheng Guofan complete letters", "biography of Hu Xueyan" China famous Biographies
Thinking training:
Edward de Bono (De Bono Edward) is internationally recognized as the leading creative thinking master. More than 60 kinds of books. The representative work mainly includes: "the training of thinking", "six thinking hats"
Reading the book before graation to find work:
"No small work", "you work for whom", "don't just do what I tell you", "I love stupid boss"
Two, management classic 21
(a) (also translated as Drucker) is known as masters of Management Master Peter Drucker, following his masterpiece, to read intensive reading through. The students interested in his book can be seen a book to buy one, read more useful (preferential Machinery Instry Press):
The "very fruitful management" senior managers must read classic
"Practice of management" will be the management science to become a discipline
"Management: tasks, responsibilities, practices" for the study of the management of students to provide a systematic textbook
"Achievement management", "the challenge of management in twenty-first Century" and "the spectator: The Memoirs of a master of management Drucker"

Li Kaifu: "to be the best of yourself"; Daniel Gorman: "who moved my cheese?"Chinese classics:The "Analects of Confucius", "moral", "book of changes", "Sun Tzu" and "thirty-six", "Three Kingdoms", "historical records"Western masterpieces:Russell the history of western philo...


writing plays an important role in exam.So,how do you improve the ability to write?I cannot emphasize the importance of practising too much if you gain high grades in writing.As an old saying goes,"Practise makes perfect."Let's take my friend for example.His writing was so ba...


Hello!My name is Jack.I am come from America,a l3 years old boy.I like playing basketball and collecting coins.I love my mother so much.I like to do ours housework with my mother whenever I am free.

求杰克伦敦小说 A hyperborean brew的中文翻译


英语作文 杰克的四川之旅

I'm very happy to hear from you,and you said you would come to Sichuan next year.Now,I'm writing to tell you something about Sichuan and your trip here.Great changes have taken place in Sichuan recent years,and I'll take you around Sichuant to enjoy the significent ...


Jack, Thank you for your last letter , in your letter you told me that you are very interested in the Chinese culture, now I'd like to introduce it for you .Talk about the Chinese culture, the Great Wall is so famous and deserved exploring. If you come to China, I would...


Dear Jack,I heard that you don\'t have a healthy lifestyle. I think you should exercise every day. You must eat more vegetables and fruit. I know you like eating juck food, it is bad for your health, you should eat less. For sleeping, you should sleep nine hours every ...


food, don’t forget to visit Yu Garden and a lot of local snacks will wait for you there.Now that the World Expo has been held in Shanghai , lovely Shanghainese welcome you to visit Shanghai. Why not spread your wings and visit it ? It’s your choice---Shanghai.


I have a close friend whose name is Jack. He is half head taller than me. He likes to dress in blue jeans and he is very friendly to people.我有一个好朋友名叫杰克。他比我高半头。他喜欢穿蓝色牛仔服,对人非常友好。Once I was ill at home. He lived far away from my ...


Hi,my name is Jack.This is my grandmother.That is my borther.And these are my parents.I love my family. 请采纳

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