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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-11 14:51



热心网友 时间:2024-05-11 19:35

分号有时又称为小句号。它表示一个停顿,其停顿时间在逗号与冒号的停顿时间之间。文章如采用许多分号,其风格则变得严肃、正式。为了正确使用分号,有必要先学会辨认主句。当两个主句没有任何连接词(and, but, or, nor, for)连接而出现在同一个句子里,这时最好采用分号使之分离。分号的主要作用很简单,它常用于分离没有连接词连接的句子。但最好不要在从句之间形成如此之强的停顿。如果你要连接从句,而又不愿意用连接词时,则采用分号。

The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.

You don't write because you want to say something; you write because you've got something to say.

In the past, boy babies were often dressed in blue; girls, in pink.

Can't you see it's no good to go on alone; we'll starve to death if we keep traveling this way much longer.

John F. Kennedy said at his inaugural speech, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Our power to apprehend truth is limited; to seek it, limitless.

Science needs to be lived alongside religion, philosophy, history and esthetic experience; alone it can lead to great harm.


then however thus furthermore
hence indeed consequently also
that is nevertheless anyhow in addition
in fact on the other hand likewise moreover
still meanwhile instead besides
otherwise in other words henceforth for example
therefore at the same time even now

Being clever and cynical, he succeeded in becoming president of the company; meanwhile his wife left him.

The weather was cold for that time of the year; nevertheless, we set out to hike to the top of that mountain.

According to one national survey, high school boys expected a starting salary of $19,500 for their first full-time job; on the other hand, high school girls expected a starting salary of only $15,000.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-11 19:35


热心网友 时间:2024-05-11 19:36

People make history; unusual people make history interesting.
Your car is new; mine is six years old.

Folow this procere:first,get your apllication forms; next, fill them out; last, pay the charge.

3)用于由for example, namely, in fact等引出的分句之前。
Tom is well-liked; in fact, he is the most popular person in the class.


14岁每天做多少蹲起和提踵不影响长高 每天晚上提踵来练弹跳会影响长高吗? 提踵和练肌肉会不会长不高? 提踵(抬脚跟)训练会影响长个吗 求高人指点 提踵 会不会影响身高的增长? 我现在15岁 提踵有利于长高吗 提踵影响长高吗 win10可不可以玩盗版的中2,帝战,拿战 沧州蓝海光伏设备有限公司怎么样? 为什麽女巫要骑扫帚不骑板凳。。。 沈阳哪家驾校便宜 下票快 在沈阳哪家驾校下证快,和准成!比较正规! 一个不熟的同班男同学主动加你qq是什么意思 一个跟你不熟的男生跟你要qq是什么原因 唐筛结果hcg是什么意思? 唐筛free hcg是什么意思? 水培红掌,养了五条小金鱼,能不能放鱼食呢? 水培红掌里面养金鱼多久换一次水合适呢? ...女子用柚子皮捏出精美茶罐,茶罐有异味应该如何祛味? 迈克,你会打乒乓球吗?不,我不会。 My+room+keys+inside+pocket+to+take+in的谓语? “Take a look inside of my heart ,Don't you see it breaking apart... I'll take a look inside. 这句英语,inside在这里是什么成分?? 和at... take out the inside什么意思 Tate a look inside of my heart Don't you see it breaking apart什么... 比喻无赖相交的成语 英语" Holle"是什么意思 家装开关 如何辨别花生油的品质? 我有两年没交党费了,是否还可以补交的 桌面的图标之间的价格过大怎么调 667=谁乘谁 多少数和多少相乘等于667 恒寿堂的鲨鱼肝油,高血压和糖尿患者能吃吗 电子琴降G和弦怎么按啊? 家电可以以旧换新么? 关于西门子编程的一个问题 ppp项目为什么不好做了 酷狗会员音乐下载到u盘为什么不能播放? 临潼区到天水市甘谷县开车费用 家庭英语怎么读是什么意思 蜜蜂的简介50字左右 我点痣十几天了,那个疤掉了,但是点痣的地方红红的,很明显,是不是会留... 准备去是什么短语类型 早来了是什么短语结构类型 重庆大学的成绩单可以自己打出来再让学校盖章吗?本人出国读研用,中介整 ... 请问索尼Sony VPL-HW48用的是什么技术,画面好流畅啊! 重庆大学复试成绩单无法盖章能写说明吗 重庆大学 补考会标记在成绩单上吗 ? 宁德开车到上海月浦公园省时路线推荐