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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-10 07:19



热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 15:19

India is the cradleland of Buddhism where has a big influence to world. Around 629 AD, there was a very famous monk in Tang dynasty who was called Xuanzang overcomed numerous difficulties and went through lots of mountains and rivers to India to fetch the classic doctrine, and made the unforgetable constribution for the cultural exchange between China and India. there is one of four masterpieces called Xiyouji is wretten accord with his travel. He record what he saw and heared, including the custom and habits about ancient India, which became the prevous resources for understanding India .

热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 15:19

India is the birthplace of Buddhism, great impact on the world

热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 15:20

India is the country where Buddhism, a religion which has a great impact on the world was founded. At around 629 AD in the Tang dynasty, a famous Chinese monk/shaman called Xuanzang conquered many hardships and traveled great distances west to retrieve sutras in India. His contribution towards the exchange of Chinese and Indian cultures cannot be ignored. One of the four masterpieces of China, "Journey to the west" was written based on his odyssey. His recording based on he saw in India and its local conditions was a great contribution to our understanding of ancient India.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 15:20

India is the cradleland of Buddhism where has a big influence to world. Around 629 AD, there was a very famous monk in Tang dynasty who was called Xuanzang overcomed numerous difficulties and went through lots of mountains and rivers to India to fetch the classic doctrine, and made the unforgetable constribution for the cultural exchange between China and India. there is one of four masterpieces called Xiyouji is wretten accord with his travel. He record what he saw and heared, including the custom and habits about ancient India, which became the prevous resources for understanding India .
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