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来,翻译几句话,中译英. 翻译好的我加分! 不要机器翻的!在线等!_百度...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-12 11:21



热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 01:08

1.The most interesting is that the first training sessions in Houston. coincide with the Beijing People's Art Theater Troupe in the United States the first performance of "Teahouse", the Rockets Yao Ming competition simultaneously. never thought there more than 100 Chinese language teachers, who saw 175,419. Local Chinese told us that this evening you and Pu Cunxin, Yao Ming fighting for the audience, you become a star!

2.Figure modeling and theater personalities, health, Jordan, the net late, ugly, the role complete.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 01:16

1.The most interesting BE, we are rest a training academic chair of Si Dun, at the right moment with people's art in Peking
Theater 《teahouse 》the play set leave for the first performance, Yao of the United States a clear rocket brigade game to carry on in the meantime, have never thought unexpectedly have more than 100 Chinese language teacher to come to listen to lesson.Chinese people in the region say to us, tonight you and the Pu save Xin, Yao clear contend for robbing audience, you also became star!
2.Person shape and drama person are similar and living, Dan, clean, end, ugly, the role be well-found.
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