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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-14 15:36



热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 17:05

Abstract: The campus network is the building of the University of the long-term development and construction of an indispensable part of, schools need to develop the appropriate development plans have the purpose of a planned campus network upgrading to make it more perfect.
Papers from three directions on the main campus network upgrading:
First: campus backbone network upgrade. In my school CAMPUS BACKBONE network topology, the core of the existing equipment and pool-equipment performance, the advantages of 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the major IT vendors core procts and the corresponding 10 Gigabit Ethernet programmes have been studied , The selection of core equipment for the analysis and study, Czech Republic, Rui final 10 Gigabit Ethernet option programme. According to the actual needs of our school, re-design the structure of the backbone network. Finally completed the Hunan University of Science and Technology campus network design of the network topology, the backbone of a detailed programme.
Second: wireless campus network building. In the wireless campus network needs analysis concted through the theoretical knowledge of the wireless LAN, wireless network standards, IT vendors of wireless procts and programmes of research, I established a school campus wireless network planning and construction programme. Indoor programmes of the two school libraries for the network's radio network planning, outdoor programme of the Library completed the North, eight school buildings, the Institute of Foreign Languages three regional hot spots of wireless network planning. At the same time, the successful design of the Hunan University of Science and Technology wireless campus network overall integrity of the building of network topology.
Third: Campus Card System. System is divided into: Card Management Centre, the financial settlement center, bank transfer system, financial system, integrated settlement system, the engine room accounting management system, intelligent control systems, and test management system, WEB enquiry system, library management system 10 Mole.
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