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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 00:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 17:51

1. "Rare" does not inherently denote a luxury item. Luxury goods are typically defined as products that go beyond the basic necessities of life, possessing unique, scarce, and valuable attributes.
2. The term "rare" primarily signifies something that is "scarce" or "valuable," and its meaning is not inherently linked to luxury goods.
3. However, some individuals may refer to items that are not conventionally expensive as rare or luxurious based on their personal perceptions.
4. Whether an item is considered a luxury is subjective and depends on the item's characteristics and the general consensus of society.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 17:50

1. "Rare" does not inherently denote a luxury item. Luxury goods are typically defined as products that go beyond the basic necessities of life, possessing unique, scarce, and valuable attributes.
2. The term "rare" primarily signifies something that is "scarce" or "valuable," and its meaning is not inherently linked to luxury goods.
3. However, some individuals may refer to items that are not conventionally expensive as rare or luxurious based on their personal perceptions.
4. Whether an item is considered a luxury is subjective and depends on the item's characteristics and the general consensus of society.
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