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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 18:43



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 01:55

This is a true story, published in the American newspaper. A girl student, majored in sociology, did an interesting social test after she graduated from college, investigating the social circumstances of old people.She masqueraded as an old woman hobbling on the street, stumbling into the store or club. At the same time, she carefully observe people's attitude towards her and noted down. Next day, she removed the makeup and showed up her young and beautiful features, then go back to those places she went to yesterday and compared both.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 01:54

It is a real story which was carried in american newspapers. A female diciple who majored in socialogy made a interesting social experiment to investigate circustances of the old. She maked up like a old woman and tralveled through those streets, stores and clubs to observe the atttude that people treated her and take notes. Then in the other day, she detached her make-ups and showed her original apperance with youthfulness and beauty, moreover she again visited those place she had been yesterday to make comparation.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 01:51

This is a true story, published in the American newspaper. A girl student, majored in sociology, did an interesting social test after she graduated from college, investigating the social circumstances of old people.She masqueraded as an old woman hobbling on the street, stumbling into the store or club. At the same time, she carefully observe people's attitude towards her and noted down. Next day, she removed the makeup and showed up her young and beautiful features, then go back to those places she went to yesterday and compared both.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 01:49

It is a real story which was carried in american newspapers. A female diciple who majored in socialogy made a interesting social experiment to investigate circustances of the old. She maked up like a old woman and tralveled through those streets, stores and clubs to observe the atttude that people treated her and take notes. Then in the other day, she detached her make-ups and showed her original apperance with youthfulness and beauty, moreover she again visited those place she had been yesterday to make comparation.
...先讲女主的灵魂飘荡了一段时间,然后重生,请问是那本? 拯救者散热器怎么开 电脑如何一键还原系统电脑一键还原怎么操作 神舟笔记本电脑怎么重新设置神舟战神bios恢复出厂设置 神舟电脑恢复出厂设置神舟战神怎么恢复原厂系统 水泥楼梯如何铺木楼梯 家里面楼梯是水泥的不想铺地毯或者地砖还能铺什么 楼梯的水泥台阶上可以铺地板革吗 手机腾讯会议共享屏幕播放视频没声 腾讯会议共享屏幕没声音怎么办 约女出来有约了怎么办? 像英文顶级高手求教3句话的翻译!英译汉!信达雅! ...某地测得风向由西北风转为东南风,判断台风在此地移动的方向... 建设工程安全施工控制中危险源有哪四类 消防设施检测单位有哪些 海带和什么炖汤比较好喝? 为什么医生建议打二价HPV疫苗而不是九价? 最近新出来的哪些丧尸电影? 有关数据加密的小游戏有哪些 电脑桌面有个猫头鹰搜索 电脑怎么打出中间有个圆点的符号? 武汉未来一周以晴到多云天气为主 气温上升周末直冲20℃+ 十月份武汉什么温度 10月武汉气温是多少 菠菜功效与作用 有关菠菜的优点介绍 为什么6岁的女孩一激动就发抖,还喘不上气 从成渝高速开车到重庆北站怎么开 秀山到重庆导航北站? 隋人张生敏慧 翻译 2009湖北黄冈中考数学第18题,求过程! 为什么连续导数xy不能同时为0 福建生育险交多久生孩子可以报销? 如表是2009年7月16日,据中央气象台预报的某台风移动的路线,说出这天台 ... qq新魔界走失的女孩任务最后在哪出现? 喜欢研究三国历史的进,我想说个人的一点见解:“关于庞统,下面继续补充... ...>中的著名人物的名字多数是2个字的啊(复姓的除外)?很少有3个字... i,ride,can,a,bike,well (.) 连词成句 sh9020c拆机拆解SH9020C探秘内部构造 求sharp9020C的拆机详细教程·1 夏普9020触摸导航键没反应 夏普sh9210c拆机换壳、我要换旋转外屏就是带小屏幕得内壳怎么拆_百度知... qq号怎样解绑手机号码? ...然常微偏东 微:___ 指南,北者皆有之 皆:___ 其法 法:___ 莫可原其... 股市操作是什么意思啊? 去派出所出一个失联很久的人需要带什么证件? 手机怎么自制无线充电 魔兽世界zg附魔怎么做(祖格旧版本附魔哪里换)「已解决」 自制无线充电器能在天燃气旁边用吗 魔兽世界怀旧服祖格附魔bug是什么_魔兽世界怀旧服祖格附魔bug介绍 《金瓶梅》里的葡萄架 护肝润肺吃什么好