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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 19:33



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 18:16

It deals exclusively "magic light energy" and the wall first fling military and large-scale comprehensive enterprise "Shinra Company", its elite special forces have set up illegal "Shinra's elite warriors", one of the most elite members of the known "Shinra's elite warriors 1", respected by civilians and the general status of envy.
Slavonic Dance is a vision to become Shinra's elite warriors of God, 1 Lo 2 member of the elite fighters, the elite soldiers of God Romanian partner 1 under the guidance of seniors Angel day mission efforts, diligent self-strength .
But in a meeting "Wouters" combat missions in the region, there were "a large number of Shinra's elite warriors disappearances", including God of War 士杰尼西斯 Luo 1, including a number of elite Shinra's elite soldiers missing for unknown reasons . That the severity of the Shinra executives, in order to end the war and about the incident, decided to dispatch an elite Shinra soldiers.
So Slavonic Dance, Angel, as well as "heroes" in the name of God known to the world's elite fighters Saifeiluosi Luo 1, assigned to investigate Wouters. What Genesis disappearance happened? This three Shinra soldiers elite elite 1 What is the hidden secret? Wait a Slavonic Dance, will be cruel fate of war ...

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 18:17

warrior Soldier (1st)", is the scale-up general civilians respect and admiration.
Zagreb is longing become god ROM 1 elite warrior god ROM 2 elite warrior member, god in ROM 1 elite warrior AnJieEr senior partner Angeal (day), under the guidance of the mission, diligence to self strength.
But in an "operational tasks WuTai" area, "god of elite warrior in the disappearance of large arjen robben, including 1 god hardened warriors, Genesis (including) the sith numerous god hardened warriors robben for unexplained and missing. Think of things seriously, in order to end robben senior god of war and learn about the event, then god hardened warriors robben decided to dispatch.
So, AnJieEr and fee in the name of "hero" and popularizing the god of the world elite warrior "luo (1), benfica Ross (Sephiroth WuTai was sent to investigate. Actually, the sith missing? Why? The three gods ROM 1 elite warrior elite hidden secret what is? Waiting for Zagreb, will be cruel of war of fate.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 18:17

Here the story told by the need to carry out energy ".." and the military forces and walked for a large comprehensive enterprise "god" and saul company owned privately established under the special "god, the choice of the crack of the soldiers ( ) soldier", one of the crack of the members are called "god, the first crack of the 1st class ) ( soldier", is respected as civilians and admired in sheep. it is a bunch of god, my god, the soldiers remaining a member of the crack of the soldiers
In the first crack of the senior partner aanjar ( angeal ) guidance, every effort to perform tasks, they themselves in a certain strength. but "vuthay" regional operations, the "god, the disappearance of the crack of the event," god, including the first crack of the soldiers 杰尼西斯 ( ) genesis of god, many members of the reasons for not understand the gravity of the missing. think of the top, in order to end the war and understanding, and decided to
Sent abram. and god crack of the bunch of aanjar, and, as the "hero" the name of the world wide for the first crack of the soldiers 赛菲罗斯 ( sephiroth ), was sent to resort to the investigation. the missing 杰尼西斯 the truth? the three god, the first crack of the elite the secret? what is waiting for the bunch of will be cruel fate of...
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