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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-03 00:25



热心网友 时间:2024-06-25 10:39

<<STAND UP>>(Champions' Theme)---站起来
歌词:stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
together we will rise again
together we will play the game
together we will want to sing
togerher winner is the only aim
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
together none forever more
together it's like never before
together what's be flying for
together all the nations rolls
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
we will keep for fine to the end (the end)
all of you to be
i know we will defente no one (no one)
we will stand up the destiny
(forever) we will call this name
(as never) let's a glory fair
(remember) for reaching a team
(together) we will make on stray
all we gonna go on stay
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
stand up for the champions
stand up for the champions
stand up we will over come
stand up we will be the number one
stand up...


热心网友 时间:2024-06-25 10:39


去下载吧 就是这个 stand up
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